THE SACK OF DIAMOND TARGATO MAGORNO The City Council, in a year and a half Magorno administration has done little for the citizens and territory. And thanks to the fact that nobody within the Council stated that its policies which has always fought PRC, the only force that does not represent special interests but those of all citizens. It is no case against us for the last elections have coalesced the interests of "family" now as always represented in both the majority and opposition. With these forces manage to not go forward, but back in time.
Tuesday, December 23 would approve more new housing estates. They would like to continue the Diamond lot of disregard for decency and the indignation of honest citizens. And even if this time would stop for a hitch will try again to do it again. In their role play Mayor reveals once again be unable to make the defender Environment and land, as would appear in the press and has appeared in recent months,
2.mucilages minorities, who now travel together, they work only for a formal control of the work of the Committee, without an urban policy (how it could be different from the interests they represent?).
fact: In our
City Council sit two types of advisors: those of the majority, regardless of whether they were in the old consiliatura from either side, for example, have voted illegally because they could not do so, the transition from Area C to Area B in many areas, thus allowing the possibility of granting permission would not grant them. But even the oldest of the current two minorities, although I voted against many resolutions at the time, said the adviser Savarese that the decision was lawful because it does not affect indices of construction, in the mouth of an ordinary citizen it would be acceptable, but the mouth of a planner is a blasphemy.
But the other minority (admittedly timid) do not want to move the waters on this issue, fearing that this will lead to an outflow of money from the municipality to the "bad citizens" by the annulment of the licenses granted illegally. But until we live in a state of law, the responsibilities of officers and directors are personal, as are personal well as the responsibilities of engineers and owners benefit, which knew perfectly well what was happening.
not forget that this has always been the practice of our Directors: Paola at the public prosecution for crimes against the environment and territory committed by all governments in recent years have opened dozens of investigations that affect our common.
PRC is the only force in the field and defends the role of politics in this matter. This is our town has a future but not with the administrative control by establishing a policy for the territory. With lots of hills, the new Municipal Structural Plan will never see the light because in a territory as small as ours, and already well cemented, can not be identified more areas for affordable housing and popular, useful citizens of almost all the planned buildings that enrich a few, or worse, are only useful in cleaning up dirty money. To preserve land to be allocated to a new housing plan, the immediate need to decide to decide which regional planning for the law are also called, as well as political representatives, those of the citizens and environmental groups.
To revive the building is also necessary to plan the recovery and restructuring of the existing industry, where the work is enormous and insured for a long time.
It is recreated, in this period, a vacuum-like administrative junta Caselli, in which the municipality, negligent in land use decisions (not to upset the lobbies of the cement), is hidden behind the screen of the inevitability of assent to these new subdivisions failing since been taken to enforce any instrument where the reasons for the community and the vulnerable. But this is also obvious if you look at the people who sit in the pews of the Executive and compares them with those who preceded them. Everything seems to change .... remain the same. In both ways .... in judicial proceedings.
Here, as in the old administration are in fact represented a conflict of interest as big as ... the houses that our assessors are building.
Once again, we are the only ones to report that the choices on labor policies and those in the urban field are brought together against the interests of unemployed women, the temporary government, those without income, young couples looking for their first home .