We promised that we would not have gone after the elections and we are here to witness the Our commitment and our ability to propose, again after careful analysis of needs and problems facing our town.
We are used to distribute our leaflets and press releases to local press, although we would like to practice that participatory democracy, a theme so dear to us during the election campaign. We think it would be useful, for the harmonization of national policy and institutions (especially after the humiliating events in which the political class is involved in Calabria), make the right decisions to participate and share with the administration, but needs to be put our hand to the municipal charter as soon as possible. It is true that this is an issue during the election campaign that the mayor has not ridden Magorno, indeed often transformed into practical preventive listening, but he feels the need for radical change, especially with respect to the conduct of the past come Caselli and lack of transparency and participation with which the outgoing (no exception) have understood their role in that niche precious democracy is a government office. For example, we would like to see the constitution of the Board of party groups and the subsequent statements by their representatives in the Council, to underline the belief that the city council is the place to bring the demands of citizenship and mass organizations in the area, as an alternative to the role of mayors and municipal council whose task is to determine the commitment expense of our financial resources and interpret the needs of all members of society diamantes. The role of political parties certainly can not stop what is happening in the city palace, or to respond exclusively to the needs and challenges posed by our elected council, but must go beyond the emergency, must read and build upon the needs of the cities and citizens and the territory in which they live, we must be able to propose an alternative society to remedy the failures of policy, in tune with the real problems of our community and to avoid further social breakdown actually already in our common . The presence of a large section unemployed, unemployed and precarious long-running, the homeless, with income below the poverty line, young and old without social spaces, subordinate status of women, its ravaged and exploited, must be the real political disaster and social, on which we hope to engage all political, social and cultural needs of this community. In making the best wishes to the new secretary of the Democratic Left, Fabio Cosenza, we are confident that he can give due importance to the role of his party at Diamond and we are willing to practice together with the DS, before plunging into the centrist drift also locally, as analysis and proposed policy finally free from the 'government' at all costs, but aimed solely the interest of the citizens and the territory in which they live.
What, in our view, the priorities on which we could work together:
We are used to distribute our leaflets and press releases to local press, although we would like to practice that participatory democracy, a theme so dear to us during the election campaign. We think it would be useful, for the harmonization of national policy and institutions (especially after the humiliating events in which the political class is involved in Calabria), make the right decisions to participate and share with the administration, but needs to be put our hand to the municipal charter as soon as possible. It is true that this is an issue during the election campaign that the mayor has not ridden Magorno, indeed often transformed into practical preventive listening, but he feels the need for radical change, especially with respect to the conduct of the past come Caselli and lack of transparency and participation with which the outgoing (no exception) have understood their role in that niche precious democracy is a government office. For example, we would like to see the constitution of the Board of party groups and the subsequent statements by their representatives in the Council, to underline the belief that the city council is the place to bring the demands of citizenship and mass organizations in the area, as an alternative to the role of mayors and municipal council whose task is to determine the commitment expense of our financial resources and interpret the needs of all members of society diamantes. The role of political parties certainly can not stop what is happening in the city palace, or to respond exclusively to the needs and challenges posed by our elected council, but must go beyond the emergency, must read and build upon the needs of the cities and citizens and the territory in which they live, we must be able to propose an alternative society to remedy the failures of policy, in tune with the real problems of our community and to avoid further social breakdown actually already in our common . The presence of a large section unemployed, unemployed and precarious long-running, the homeless, with income below the poverty line, young and old without social spaces, subordinate status of women, its ravaged and exploited, must be the real political disaster and social, on which we hope to engage all political, social and cultural needs of this community. In making the best wishes to the new secretary of the Democratic Left, Fabio Cosenza, we are confident that he can give due importance to the role of his party at Diamond and we are willing to practice together with the DS, before plunging into the centrist drift also locally, as analysis and proposed policy finally free from the 'government' at all costs, but aimed solely the interest of the citizens and the territory in which they live.
What, in our view, the priorities on which we could work together:
- Stabilization of temporary workers of the institution. A day major labor dispute between the Administration and the LSU-LPU, employees in our town (some for 17 years) with salaries and fees to be starvation, can be well addressed by a necessary stance of political parties, which starts especially careful examination of a decision to come to the signing of outgoing subcommissario Ceccherini and town clerk De Lorenzo, in which it shall refer the stabilization of LSU-LPU workers and assumptions on at least 19 seats currently vacant plant organic elected administration.
- Urban development and use of land. We oppose, and we have done previously in the entire electoral campaign, the environmental destruction, urban and archaeological area of \u200b\u200bDiamond and Cirencester and the eco-monsters we strongly support the need to re-recovery-reuse collective, following the criteria of the Regional Commission "Landscapes and Identity." The territory must be understood as a wealth of tangible and intangible assets and resources to defend and enhance. We are fed up with development models based on speculation planning, both in terms of urbanization edificatoria as pollutants or industrial installation for the mass distribution. This, in our opinion, is the way to draw in the protection of the collective and not the lobby of the cement, leaving the administration in charge is responsible for undermining the assumptions that planners have allowed and still allow the speculation that has taken hold of our natural resources, history and culture. Sure, we can continue to come in the wake of the deliberations of the board and administration Caselli, but give a clear sign of discontinuity, transparency and democratic debate inside and outside the council.
- Port and harbor area. The latest events that have involved the issue of Diamond Harbour in an alleged plot between politics, Freemasonry and divert business, make us think that now more than ever necessary the rejection of the draft megaport and restructuring in the size of the landing tourism existing arm, protecting the reef in all its beauty today. The future port will be managed by a concession which will include local public spaces and buildings, under the boardwalk, which we have to recover it for their recovery, rehabilitation and re-use for social and cultural rights. In this regard could also be encouraged on a city council issue and a settlement between our institution and the judicial authorities and sea, to solve the serious problem of the seizure of the premises under the promenade and seafront which is faced by the elders of the community center, local fishermen, traders and all citizens.
Club's secretary Gemma De Rosa
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