Thursday, January 17, 2008

Wrinkle On Projection Screen

MAGORNO BY Communist Refoundation

On 27 December at 16:00, at the invitation extended to the secretaries of the parties involved in Diamond, the circle of the Communist PRC attended the meeting with the mayor Magorno Diamond with a large delegation. The port issue is a matter that is very dear to the implications of environmental, economic and social problems led to the same over the years and attended the meeting even though the form and substance of the initiative does not envisage as the best possible. The intent is to understand how the city council, mayor in the lead, want to move in the matter, given the often contradictory statements which the press reported on horseback in the days of hunger strike Magorno.

In recent days, the Tar addressed the merits of the appeal by Blue Diamond ICAD against the rejection of the megaport by the Regional Commission for Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). The ruling in favor of the company has essentially broken the opinion of the EIA Regional Commission, bringing the award the tender for the construction and operation of the port of Diamond, the stage of formulating a new opinion, hopefully this time still negative but well reasoned. In the meantime, lie on remand some complaints that the Blue Diamond ICAD would propose to overturn the rulings of the Administrative Court and the State Council on the need for environmental impact assessment for a work of undoubted importance, in the open interest Community from the viewpoint of environmental conservation in an ecosystem by the delicate balance of hydrodynamic costs involved.

political landscape
remember that our party has actively participated in local environmental side of acronyms, to achieve this result. To reject the idea of \u200b\u200binvasive megaport we have collected hundreds of signatures of informed citizens who have supported the reasons for rejection at the EIA Commission. At the same time, however, we proposed the only viable alternative: the creation of a port to measure directly in Diamond and willingness of citizens diamantes.

RC First request was to see if the Mayor, as representative of the municipal administration, had an idea of \u200b\u200bthe port, in terms of environmental and economic impact for the our town; Pilate, he stressed his intention to accept the future response of the various legal proceedings, refusing to provide a final assessment of the ICAD project of the company, but only pointing out the need to ensure the municipality, and private individuals who operate on the landing now exists, a role in future management structure. It is probably more concerned to satisfy electoral clientele of the future of our region and livability of our habitat.
We have stressed the poor economic viability of that project would entrust to the company awarded the contract not only construction but also its total management for a period of at least 70 years. Even the management of the water could be added, as the report of the project, the grant of any premises unused available to the municipality in the port area, with the establishment of a de facto monopoly of private economic activities that would be created to service the facility.
We have reiterated the need to look carefully to the facts of Amantea, environmental disasters and risks with quell'approdo lawlessness that has been achieved, rather than to a hypothetical development of flywheels intended only as our consumption of resources and inability to envisage a future for generations to come. Diamond has already compromised its natural beauty in the hills, is about to undermine even the preservation of its costs and this would only lead to further impoverishment, not to an enrichment of his countrymen. About
the job then there would be much to say, young and old people who expect to Diamante in Calabria and skilled jobs and fit their level of education, faced with an offer low-level jobs, subject to the benevolence of private businessmen and politicians, ready to put the rope on the first business difficulties. SUBSTITUTE MOTION

The PRC, in interpreting the will of the majority of citizens and tourists that our common home, is the mouthpiece of their legitimate aspirations in wanting to be always a haven for Diamond, which is the port of Diamante, which is adequate in structure and size to local needs. We stress also the request made in more opportunities and locations, the restructuring of the landing only existing public money, already the subject of financing and amounting to some 4 billion old lire, and that remains the same structure of ownership and governance.
It is therefore considered that the only possible solution while respecting the environment is the renovation of the existing pier retaining the dimensional and satisfying the demands diportistiche real.

To overcome the past and look to the future, we asked to support the will of the people supported by the collection of signatures of our party. We do our (community Diamantes) the alternative proposal of the Communist PRC to enforce the reasons for our convenience, environmental, economic and social to complete it!
We invited him to send the request to reset the region of the Regional Commission for the EIA, to an obvious inability to make conclusive judgments from any court, and create a new, detached from the caravans and in keeping with the principles of political science, for formulation of an environmental impact assessment that takes into account not only the technical proposals (which are certainly important) but also the social, economic and anthropological an imposing structure which one you would like to achieve.

Unfortunately the meeting was concluded with the clear will of the mayor gather support for its paternalistic pre-established positions, rather than part with these determinations that would lead the next day at the table with the region of Calabria.


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