's companions and fellow members / the PRC at the club, "April 25" Diamond - Cirencester, at the VII Congress of the PRC, with the approval of this odg Local willing to sign the following proposals concerning the transit of boats near the island of Cirencester. DESCRIPTION OF THE
Purpose of the proposal.
The proposal is made to pursue the following objectives:
a) the conservation of plant and animal species, biological communities, wildlife singularity;
b) the protection of biodiversity and the overall land;
c) the preservation and enhancement of landscape values \u200b\u200bof the area;
d) the use of tourism, cultural, educational and recreational forms compatible with the protection of nature and landscape. THE MOTION
The management of the water in front and surrounding the island is provided by a municipal entity in which the Management Committee are also representatives of all its sites to address the hotel and tourism, fisheries and agricultural associations insist on the territory to protect the natural environment of institutions involved in educational and scientific proposals for the exploitation of natural resources.
Area should be regulated:
a) scuba diving;
b) fishing;
c) the moorings;
d) the transit of motor boats. Perimeter of
It offers the same perimeter of the regional law for the establishment of regional marine park called the "Riviera of the Cedar" in respect of the Isle of Cirencester, shown below on a scale of 1:25,000. Diamond
July 1, 2008
Island, Marine Park in the Riviera of the Cedar, is an area of \u200b\u200bconsiderable interest Calabrian landscape in a stretch of coast in which there are many rocks that represent the most beautiful natural places in Calabria, one of only two islands of Calabria with Dino Island of Praia a Mare. The rock formations, before the Miocene, which characterize it take a very fragmented, are located chaotically and subject to intense alteration, with intense erosion subject to collapse. Studies in the botanical field have further highlighted the valuable natural area. E 'was found in fact the presence of species of particular importance since it not common in Calabria and endangered species such as the "Juniperus phoenicea," the "Anthyllis jovis beard" and the rare "Pteris vittata," notes because what kind indicated by way of reduction and disappearance throughout the country.
The area in question is affected by the presence of two SCI areas, Sites of Community Importance under the Habitats Directive 431921 EEC, an island on the bottom Cirella - Diamante (lT9310037 Natura 2000 site code) and the other on Isle of Cirencester (Natura 2000 site code IT9310036). The SIC Island Cirella (Natura 2000 site code lT9310036) is a small island with a large development of reefs and sea cliffs and rare example, in Calabria, a coastal island in the Mediterranean well preserved. It also indicates the presence here dell'endemismo plant Dianthus rupicola. The seabed of the SIC-Cirella Diamond Island (Natura 2000 site code lT9310037) are characterized by the presence of Posidonia oceanica, high biodiversity, important nurseries for fish as well as economic interest, and protection of coastal erosion. The City of Diamond and involved in the Riviera of the Cedar Park, is subject to protection under the law 1497 of 26/06/1939 with 1611 DM 1 / 68. Purpose of the proposal.
The proposal is made to pursue the following objectives:
a) the conservation of plant and animal species, biological communities, wildlife singularity;
b) the protection of biodiversity and the overall land;
c) the preservation and enhancement of landscape values \u200b\u200bof the area;
d) the use of tourism, cultural, educational and recreational forms compatible with the protection of nature and landscape. THE MOTION
The management of the water in front and surrounding the island is provided by a municipal entity in which the Management Committee are also representatives of all its sites to address the hotel and tourism, fisheries and agricultural associations insist on the territory to protect the natural environment of institutions involved in educational and scientific proposals for the exploitation of natural resources.
Area should be regulated:
a) scuba diving;
b) fishing;
c) the moorings;
d) the transit of motor boats. Perimeter of
It offers the same perimeter of the regional law for the establishment of regional marine park called the "Riviera of the Cedar" in respect of the Isle of Cirencester, shown below on a scale of 1:25,000. Diamond
July 1, 2008
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