Adonai Sanctuary of Mater Maria SS.ma Brucoli (Syracuse).
Today, September 15, 2009 , are delivered in record time the first group of houses for earthquake victims Abruzzo.
Today, September 15, 2009, occurred on test "static" of a historic building damaged by the earthquake of December 13, 1990: The sanctuary of Mater Maria SS.ma Adonai Brucoli (Syracuse).
Today, September 15, 2009 , are delivered in record time the first group of houses for earthquake victims Abruzzo.
Today, September 15, 2009, occurred on test "static" of a historic building damaged by the earthquake of December 13, 1990: The sanctuary of Mater Maria SS.ma Adonai Brucoli (Syracuse).
The technical inspection administration is still "ongoing."
The work of "restoration" had started January 9, 2007, seventeen years later. Officially, only had to last 12 months: there are desired 17. Ended May 2, 2008.
And the law provides that the testing takes place within six months of the end of work.
For in six months in Abruzzo and Sicily are the houses in sixteen months did not do a test even though the earthquake have passed nineteen?
http://santuarioadonaibrucoli.blogspot.com/search?updated-max=2009-08-24T02% 3A16% 3A00-07% 3A00 & max-results = 7
http:/ / www.adonai.too.it/
http://picasaweb.google.com/augustanodoc/TerremotoDeiSilenzi #
Presidency of the Council of Ministers
PROT. N. DPC/SISM/28550 ROME, 20/04/2009
the Regional Department of Civil Protection Directorate General
about Salvatore Cocina
Via Ing Abela, No 5
90141 - PALERMO
the Regional Department of Civil Protection Service
Provincial Syracuse
about Mr. Paul Burgo
Via delle Carceri Vecchie No 36 pc
And the Archbishop Syracuse
Piazza Duomo 5
96100 - SYRACUSE
A Father Palmiro Prisutto
Rector of the Sanctuary Adonai Brucoli
Via Marina di Levante 5
96011 - AUGUSTA (SR)
Law 433/91. Objective "c": work on the Shrine of Adonai Brucoli.
In the implementation of the project in the object, are received over time, particularly in the last month, complaints by Father Palmiro Prisutto, Rector of the Sanctuary, both on the non-delivery of the work is on non-adherence (according to Father Prisutto) the nature of some jobs in the building. The Department had
already interested in August / September 2008 to resolve the problem known as N. 6577 11 September 2008 Head of the Province of Syracuse of the Regional Department of Civil Protection, noting that, pending the appointment of the Commission of Inspection steps would be to frontload the work.
That delivery, fixed permanently to the March 6, 2009, could not take place because Father Prisutto bemoaned the lack of or incomplete execution of certain works, such as by communication of 09 March 2009.
You have learned, for short routes, which remains the lack of appointment of the Commission of Inspection: This appointment
is of particular importance, since the provisions of art. 192 of Presidential Decree 554/1999, the test certificate must be issued within six months from the date of completion (Article 192 of Presidential Decree 554/1999), ie by 2 November 2008.
However, in order to allow the use of the property asks the Regional Department of Civil Protection to implement initiatives to solve the problems that allow for the frontloading of the work. It is still waiting for news on the procedural steps and the provisional future. The Head of the Department
Guido Bertolaso \u200b\u200b.
Superintendent of Syracuse
Prot 16 905 / A of the July 2, 2009
Sanctuary of Maria SS. But Adonai Brucoli Mater. Report of Inspection
Following the request of the Rector of the Sanctuary of Maria SS. Mater Adonai, the day May 19, 2009 inspection was carried out. On that date, it basically detects the progressive deterioration of the external plaster and other parts of interior finish.
It is believed that such issues should be assessed solely responsible for the Process Engineer Paul Burgo together with the Directorate of Civil Defence Work that deals with the economic part of the works, so that it is considered a possible remake of the interventions.
care will also be part of the tester to verify whether these works should be restored.
It represents all the works at issue in the letter of the Priest Palmiro Prisutto related events and disputes with the successful undertaking and DD. LL. On the attitude adopted by each party in the yard, are not the responsibility of this Superintendency.
Procedure manager is asked to verify the validity of disputed claims.
You represent that this Office does not agree with the demolition of the portal communication with the garden (garden) and entrance to the enclosure.
Given that these works were not agreed with this Superintendent, is required to restore the condition of the premises.
Viewed Superintendent
The Service Manager (Arch Mariella Muti) (Arch Joanne Susan)
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