

Note to readers The post is accompanied by some photos in the text
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the ravages of time and of the quake damage from the so-called restoration .
Often the man makes the illusion that these works will last infinitely in time.
Certain works, it is true they are defying the centuries and millennia (pyramids, temples, churches, convents). But time and nature, in the end, if the man did not defend them if the resume. The blanket of sand or vegetation sometimes does not pass even a generation. He also experienced the Sanctuary of the Madonna Adonai: the ancient underground, where Christians of the third century had painted on the rock one of the oldest images of the Mother of God (photo 1), has remained hidden for twelve centuries before being rediscovered by chance a boy, to live, looked after the cattle. How many things of the past we
found after thousands of years by archaeologists and scholars, and maybe still admiring.
But how did they do? And these were not the super-technological means today.
The Roman aqueducts, made stone by stone, the columns of Greek temples that abound in Sicily, resist most of today's bridges made of steel and reinforced concrete, the concrete of the Colosseum is still there, intact and mysterious, ancient theaters and amphitheatres can be used even after thousands of years, other similar works, but recent, need constant maintenance and very long time for restoration.
Today, after some renovation, but the facts and not wasting money and under the supervision of the Superintendence high technology for civil protection, only a few months later they say: "but here everything is falling to pieces" (photo 2).
Often, builders will go away cursing the fact that just finished work, you must start again. The blame is almost always material, the rush to finish, falling short of manpower, the money that has been insufficient.
Nature has its cycles for the birth and death, build and destroy, one day, week, month, year. I often came spontaneously exclaimed after seeing the results of certain works, "only God is eternal." At least we console with this answer that no one can contradict. The Sanctuary
dell'Adonai, the origin of which we know little in a few days there will be "returned".
The annexed monastery built on several occasions between XVI and XIX century, has "suffered" the restoration work following the earthquake of 1990.
It was so "refurbished" it is definitely gone all traces of its age.
is true that to put it "safely" have altered the appearance inside and outside, but it is true that with some technical device (photo 3a 3b 3c), without hiding behind the excuse that "the approved project can not be changed "If they could maintain appearance.
has disappeared also the "sobriety" of the premises of the monastery, a characteristic that remained almost unchanged over time. The poverty of the friars did not allow special decorations or as elaborate decorations in other convents of his time. But every single stone (photo 4a 4b) exuded spirituality, and the manual labor of those brothers who first had to isolate themselves within the walls in most cases used only precious swords and cutlery. All context
called only for recollection (photo 5) and prayer.
Some of these stones are inexplicably disappeared, suggestive corners (Photo 6) of the centuries-old monastery were arbitrarily transformed with dubious aesthetic tastes, other parts have been demolished (photo 7) and was not fixed by deleting the historical memory of the ancient site. Probably as soon as possible to restore the degradation time, in another beautiful place you have forgotten to redo the roof (photo 8) that, even before the works of conservation and restoration, already existed. Perhaps, when drawing up the restoration project, it was thought more to the walls and floors not to "return to life" (Photo 9) to a place that has always distinguished itself for having restored my faith in life for many who almost five hundred years have lived, leaving behind an empty life, and sometimes lived in the violence of war.
The Sanctuary of the Madonna Adonai was one of those structures "sacred" that not even the violence of nature and of man has managed to clear: even the catastrophic earthquake of 11 January 1693 did not dare to touch: in the midst of that terrible devastation that had ruined hundreds of churches and convents in Sicily half "was the only church in the territory of Augusta not to suffer any harm." Sanctuary Adonai
Paradoxically, after five centuries of history and life, from the same Italian Civil Protection, which would have the institutional responsibility to prevent and mitigate the seismic risk, and currently in other parts of Italy (Abruzzo) is working to not to lose the memory of the past, here has been able to do the opposite, with the gate.
were gone even the couplets on the lintels (Photo 10b 10c 10th) port of the ancient monks' cells ... ....
usually done to restore it rejoices and celebrates but not in this case because, after the restoration will need another renovation, before it finally lost all traces of a piece of our history.
Brucoli November 28, 2009
Sac. Prisutto Palmiro
Shrine Rector
Images supplied:
(photo 1) Mother of God
(photo 2) all fell to pieces
http:/ / www.flickr.com/photos/prisutto/3449959152/
(photo 3a 3b 3c) This technical
http://www .flickr.com/photos/prisutto/3503627727 /
(4th photo 4b) single stone
http:// www.flickr.com/photos/prisutto/3449934738/
(photo 5) suggestive corners cloistered
(photo 6) evocative corners terrace
(photo 7) shares have been demolished
http://www.flickr.com/photos/ prisutto/3209292223 /
(photo 8) to redo the roof http://www.flickr.com/photos/prisutto/3932384568/in/set-72157622405489062/
(Photo 9) to resume life millstone
(photo 10b 10c 10th) couplets on the lintels
http://www.flickr.com/photos/prisutto/3503056401/in / photostream /
(photos 11a and 11b) sanctuary facade
http://www.flickr.com/photos/prisutto/3401434494 /
(foto12) http://www.flickr.com/photos/prisutto/3494525308/in / set-72157617507242797 /