Sicily Region Presidency
Department of Civil Protection Service in the province of Siracusa
Prot n 6981 of 05/11/2009
sent by fax to Syracuse
Prefecture Territorial Office of Government
Piazza Archimede, Syracuse
Via e-mail and PC to the Head of the Department of Civil Protection
Via Ulpian, 11 - Rome
Via e-mail the Director General of the Department of Civil Defense Regional
Via Abela, 5-Palermo
faxed to the superintendent to BB. CC and AA.
96100 Syracuse - Syracuse
sent by fax to the Archbishop of Syracuse
Piazza Duomo - Siracusa
Via e-mail the Rector of the Shrine of Mary SS.ma Brucoli
Brucoli (Augusta)
SUBJECT: Law 433 / 91. Brucoli Adonai Church and Convent. Reference notes of 15 226 06/08, and 26/10 of 15 September 2009.
am having the notes of this Office Prefecture - UTG - and about you after what has already been communicated to the streets to Dr. Shroud us October 12, specifying and clarifying what follows. With
contract 22/12/2006, Rep. No. 264, the Regional Department of Civil Defense, gave the GSG Enterprises Ltd. based in Agrigento, c / ESA-by Moses Chimento - sn, work on the recovery and conservation of Brucoli Adonai Church and convent for the total amount of net € .823.742,29.
These works were delivered under the provisions of the law, dated 19/12/2006 and the same should be completed in 365 days and, therefore, on 19/12/2007.
The work was completed On May 2, 2008 because during the process it was necessary to prepare two reports of variation in order to meet the needs arising in work in progress and to achieve the full functionality of the property, having regard primarily to the work done outside of ' area attributable to the convent.
All technical procedures - administrative set-up (original approval and subsequent variants) has been brought to the Curia through the head of the engineering of the same who participated in various conferences of service.
Following completion of the works will begin the procedures for the preparation of technical and administrative acts, preparatory to testing for the return of the property owner Ente.
note dated 20/06/2008, to acts of this service on 25/06/2008, the Archbishop of Siracusa, in fact, was required to have returned the property in the interim which initiated the process engineer - Administrative provided for.
The above process included, among other things, the performance of all the technical tests required by the applicable standards of safety and environmental protection (electrical, plumbing, heating, sewage discharge etc..) That were completed during the month November 2008.
At the same time, already with a note of July 23, 2008, the Rector of the Shrine contest run of some workers, mainly in the context of protecting the building, an attitude that in fact the first slowed and then stopped the cited provisional acceptance as discussed below.
In order to ascertain the correctness of the comments highlighted by the Rector of the Shrine, in fact, a note of 01/Agosto 2008, prot. N. 5919, the writer requested the DL and possibly the necessary clarifications about the requirements to be implemented.
The DL on the same day confirmed via fax that the works were carried out in accordance with the approved project and to variants and that the observations of the Sac. Prisutto were not relevant.
Both the DL that the contractor, respectively, with a note of the '1 August 2008 and August 4, 2008 were received, their negative opinion about the provisional acceptance to the Archbishop of Syracuse.
On 25/09/2008, moreover, was made a joint inspection, required by the Superintendence of Cultural Heritage and AA. Syracuse, in order to verify the correctness of the comments by the Rector of the Sanctuary with the note mentioned above, which involves, in addition to writing, even the DL, the representative of the Curia in the person of Eng. Felt, and the sac. Prisutto Palmiro. Following the inspection the said body, from the standpoint of protecting and preserving the property, had nothing to complain in order to carry out the work contracted and performed.
completed all the technical tests, in the building of the facilities created and acquired all the documents preparatory to the provisional, including clearance by the contractor on 07/10/2008, pending completion of the test, the writer in December 2008 authorizing the DL for the provisional delivery date which was fixed by the same DL, for the day 03/06/2009.
the fixed date, at the Shrine of Brucoli, in the presence of the writer, the DL, Enterprise, representative of the Curia, in the person of 'Mr. Felt, and the Rector of the Sanctuary, Sac. Palmiro Prisutto, was effect the necessary reconnaissance of the property, in order to prepare the required audit report. Once the survey were found working in some of the drawbacks, however modest, that does not invalidate the use of the property. Invited the company to their complete elimination. At this point the Sac. Prisutto refused delivery for which there remained nothing but wait for the testing work. Subsequently, the Rector of the Shrine
required another visit to the Superintendence of Cultural Heritage and AA. Syracuse, which was made on 19.5.2009, following which the Board reiterated, with the written opinion that the findings made by the Sac. Prisutto not concern the scope of their skills. Objected, however, on the demolition of an ancient portal, about which I'm currently testing (the writer has requested clarification from the DL), which, however, is out of the contract and shall not affect the use of the property and Ente his return as the owner, however, confirmed by the inspector in his report of 08 October 2009.
To date, operations testing, both static and technical - administrative, can be considered completed and the testing required before issuing the notice of acceptance, which were restored to the Fair Labor report of 08/10/2009.
Heard the test, for short routes, completion of the restoration work, ordered the contractors on 16/10/2009, the estimated date for delivery of the property can be set for mid November next
F.to (Engineer Paul Burgo)
below is the same letter but with the additions of the sac. Prisutto Palmiro rector of the Shrine. The original parts are written in black, those of the rector in bold red .
Sicily Region Presidency
Department of Civil Protection Service in the province of Siracusa
Prot No. 6981 of 05/11/2009
sent by fax to Syracuse
Prefecture Territorial Office of Government
-Syracuse Piazza Archimede
Via e-mail and PC to the Head of the Department of Civil Protection
Via Ulpian, 11 - Rome
( marco.rinaldelli @ protezionecivile.it )
Via e-mail the Director General of the Department of Civil Defense Regional
Via Abela, 5-Palermo
(s.cocina @ protezionecivilesicilia.it)
Submitted by fax to the Superintendent of BB. CC and AA.
96100 Syracuse - Syracuse
sent by fax to the Archbishop of Syracuse
Piazza Duomo - Siracusa
Via e-mail the Rector of the Shrine of Mary SS.ma Brucoli
Brucoli (Augusta)
SUBJECT: Law 433/91. Brucoli Adonai Church and Convent. Reference notes of 15 226 06/08, and 26/10 of 15 September 2009.
am having this Office notes Prefecture - UTG - and about you after what has already been communicated to the streets to Dr. Shroud us October 12, specifying and clarifying what follows. With
contract 22/12/2006, Rep. No. 264, the Regional Department of Civil Defense, gave the GSG Enterprises Ltd. based in Agrigento, c / ESA-by Moses Chimento - sn, the work of recovery and Preservation of the Church and Convent of Brucoli Adonai for a total income of € .823.742,29.
These works were delivered under the provisions of the law, dated 19/12/2006 and the same should be completed in 365 days and, therefore, on 19/12/2007.
The work was completed on May 2, 2008 because during the process it was necessary to prepare two reports of variation in order to meet the needs arising in work in progress and to achieve the full functionality of the property, having regard mainly attributable to the work done outside of the convent.
All technical procedures - administrative set-up (original approval and subsequent variants) has been brought to the Curia through the head of the engineering of the same who participated in various conferences of service. ?????????????????
Following completion of the works will begin the procedures for the preparation of technical and administrative acts, preparatory to testing for the Ente return of the property owner.
note dated 20/06/2008, to acts of this service on 25/06/2008, the Archbishop of Siracusa, in fact, was required to have returned the property in the interim which initiated the process engineer - Administrative expected to respect.
The above process included, among other things, the performance of all the technical tests required by the applicable standards of safety and environmental protection (electrical, plumbing, heating, sewage discharge etc..) That were completed during the month November 2008. order to perform these tests, in the vain expectation of return, we were requested to enter the sanctuary by the three-phase electricity supply contract, which has been conducted in the second half of August 2008 only after the company has GSG arrears and paying your bills in the meantime we have agreed to speed with the company another contract but this did not appear making vacuum spend € 456. Since July 2008, even after an attempted burglary, yours truly declaring the complete lack of housing Shrine from the enterprise, will arrange a contract with a firm was active surveillance room to March 2009.
At the same time, already with a note of July 23, 2008, the Rector of the Shrine considered that the works carried out as soon as they were already visibly deteriorated challenged the execution of some jobs, mainly in the context of protecting ' building, an attitude that in fact the first slowed and then stopped the cited provisional acceptance as will below.
In order to ascertain the correctness of the comments highlighted by the Rector of the Shrine, in fact, a note of 01/Agosto 2008, prot. N. 5919, the writer requested the DL and possibly the necessary clarifications about the requirements to be implemented.
The DL on the same day confirmed via fax that the works were carried out in accordance with the approved project and to variants and that the observations of the Sac. Prisutto were not relevant. Nor was the fact the connection to the network Enel.
Both the DL that the contractor, respectively, with a note of the '1 in August 2008 and August 4, 2008 were received, their negative opinion about the provisional acceptance to the Curia Archbishop in Syracuse. So why should I sign the contract with Enel as I could not take advantage of the sanctuary? Meanwhile, the bills arrive and are paid from the shrine.
On 25/09/2008, moreover, was made a joint site inspection, required by the Superintendence of Cultural Heritage and AA. Syracuse, in order to verify the correctness of the comments by the Rector of the Sanctuary with the note mentioned above, which involves, in addition to writing, even the DL, the representative of the Curia in the person of Eng. Felt, and the sac. Prisutto Palmiro. Following the inspection the said body, from the standpoint of protecting and preserving the property, had nothing to complain in order to carry out the work contracted and performed. has "no objection" who did not know the condition of the premises before the "restoration" and this applies to all who were involved in various capacities in the restoration. From my point of view have been made disruptions to the status of places as the representative of the superintendent thought of the "concert" events and "cultural" that could be carried out on the upper courtyard of the shrine. On that occasion I have challenged to work towards the total disappearance of a barn which had previously presented photographic documentation. (I was told that photographs were "old" although there were photographs of the site means). Also on the same occasion contestai the fact that the result of demolition debris in landfills instead of being carried were scattered in the grounds of the sanctuary and those surrounding the shrine .
completed all the technical tests, in the building of the facilities created and acquired all the documents preparatory to the provisional, including clearance by the contractor on 07/10/2008, pending completion of the test, the writer in December 2008 (which had been operated without the administrative technical inspection one month after the maximum time of delivery) authorizing the DL for the provisional delivery date which was fixed by the same DL, for the day 06/03/2009. Date which have not been informed if not for people outside and in the same morning.
the fixed date, at the Shrine of Brucoli, in the presence of the writer, the DL, Enterprise, representative of the Curia, in the person of 'Mr. Felt, (Mr. Felt at that time did not represent plus the Curia was only present as an observer to the unofficial and has pointed out) and the Rector of the Shrine, the Sac. Palmiro Prisutto, was in fact the necessary reconnaissance of the property, in order to prepare the required audit report. Once the survey were found working in some of the drawbacks, (on which he spoke of waiting to return four more times) however modest, that does not invalidate the use of the property. Invited the company to their complete elimination. At this point the Sac. Prisutto refused delivery for which there remained nothing but wait for the testing work. that has already been done, see note to the Department of Civil Protection PROT. N. DPC/SISM/28550 ROME, 20/04/2009 http://santuarioadonaibrucoli.blogspot.com/2009/09/non-tutti-hanno-fatto-il-loro-dovere.html .
Sicily Region Presidency
Department of Civil Protection Service in the province of Siracusa
Prot No. 6981 of 05/11/2009
sent by fax to Syracuse
Prefecture Territorial Office of Government
-Syracuse Piazza Archimede
Via e-mail and PC to the Head of the Department of Civil Protection
Via Ulpian, 11 - Rome
( marco.rinaldelli @ protezionecivile.it )
Via e-mail the Director General of the Department of Civil Defense Regional
Via Abela, 5-Palermo
(s.cocina @ protezionecivilesicilia.it)
Submitted by fax to the Superintendent of BB. CC and AA.
96100 Syracuse - Syracuse
sent by fax to the Archbishop of Syracuse
Piazza Duomo - Siracusa
Via e-mail the Rector of the Shrine of Mary SS.ma Brucoli
Brucoli (Augusta)
SUBJECT: Law 433/91. Brucoli Adonai Church and Convent. Reference notes of 15 226 06/08, and 26/10 of 15 September 2009.
am having this Office notes Prefecture - UTG - and about you after what has already been communicated to the streets to Dr. Shroud us October 12, specifying and clarifying what follows. With
contract 22/12/2006, Rep. No. 264, the Regional Department of Civil Defense, gave the GSG Enterprises Ltd. based in Agrigento, c / ESA-by Moses Chimento - sn, the work of recovery and Preservation of the Church and Convent of Brucoli Adonai for a total income of € .823.742,29.
These works were delivered under the provisions of the law, dated 19/12/2006 and the same should be completed in 365 days and, therefore, on 19/12/2007.
The work was completed on May 2, 2008 because during the process it was necessary to prepare two reports of variation in order to meet the needs arising in work in progress and to achieve the full functionality of the property, having regard mainly attributable to the work done outside of the convent.
All technical procedures - administrative set-up (original approval and subsequent variants) has been brought to the Curia through the head of the engineering of the same who participated in various conferences of service. ?????????????????
Following completion of the works will begin the procedures for the preparation of technical and administrative acts, preparatory to testing for the Ente return of the property owner.
note dated 20/06/2008, to acts of this service on 25/06/2008, the Archbishop of Siracusa, in fact, was required to have returned the property in the interim which initiated the process engineer - Administrative expected to respect.
The above process included, among other things, the performance of all the technical tests required by the applicable standards of safety and environmental protection (electrical, plumbing, heating, sewage discharge etc..) That were completed during the month November 2008. order to perform these tests, in the vain expectation of return, we were requested to enter the sanctuary by the three-phase electricity supply contract, which has been conducted in the second half of August 2008 only after the company has GSG arrears and paying your bills in the meantime we have agreed to speed with the company another contract but this did not appear making vacuum spend € 456. Since July 2008, even after an attempted burglary, yours truly declaring the complete lack of housing Shrine from the enterprise, will arrange a contract with a firm was active surveillance room to March 2009.
At the same time, already with a note of July 23, 2008, the Rector of the Shrine considered that the works carried out as soon as they were already visibly deteriorated challenged the execution of some jobs, mainly in the context of protecting ' building, an attitude that in fact the first slowed and then stopped the cited provisional acceptance as will below.
In order to ascertain the correctness of the comments highlighted by the Rector of the Shrine, in fact, a note of 01/Agosto 2008, prot. N. 5919, the writer requested the DL and possibly the necessary clarifications about the requirements to be implemented.
The DL on the same day confirmed via fax that the works were carried out in accordance with the approved project and to variants and that the observations of the Sac. Prisutto were not relevant. Nor was the fact the connection to the network Enel.
Both the DL that the contractor, respectively, with a note of the '1 in August 2008 and August 4, 2008 were received, their negative opinion about the provisional acceptance to the Curia Archbishop in Syracuse. So why should I sign the contract with Enel as I could not take advantage of the sanctuary? Meanwhile, the bills arrive and are paid from the shrine.
On 25/09/2008, moreover, was made a joint site inspection, required by the Superintendence of Cultural Heritage and AA. Syracuse, in order to verify the correctness of the comments by the Rector of the Sanctuary with the note mentioned above, which involves, in addition to writing, even the DL, the representative of the Curia in the person of Eng. Felt, and the sac. Prisutto Palmiro. Following the inspection the said body, from the standpoint of protecting and preserving the property, had nothing to complain in order to carry out the work contracted and performed. has "no objection" who did not know the condition of the premises before the "restoration" and this applies to all who were involved in various capacities in the restoration. From my point of view have been made disruptions to the status of places as the representative of the superintendent thought of the "concert" events and "cultural" that could be carried out on the upper courtyard of the shrine. On that occasion I have challenged to work towards the total disappearance of a barn which had previously presented photographic documentation. (I was told that photographs were "old" although there were photographs of the site means). Also on the same occasion contestai the fact that the result of demolition debris in landfills instead of being carried were scattered in the grounds of the sanctuary and those surrounding the shrine .
completed all the technical tests, in the building of the facilities created and acquired all the documents preparatory to the provisional, including clearance by the contractor on 07/10/2008, pending completion of the test, the writer in December 2008 (which had been operated without the administrative technical inspection one month after the maximum time of delivery) authorizing the DL for the provisional delivery date which was fixed by the same DL, for the day 06/03/2009. Date which have not been informed if not for people outside and in the same morning.
the fixed date, at the Shrine of Brucoli, in the presence of the writer, the DL, Enterprise, representative of the Curia, in the person of 'Mr. Felt, (Mr. Felt at that time did not represent plus the Curia was only present as an observer to the unofficial and has pointed out) and the Rector of the Shrine, the Sac. Palmiro Prisutto, was in fact the necessary reconnaissance of the property, in order to prepare the required audit report. Once the survey were found working in some of the drawbacks, (on which he spoke of waiting to return four more times) however modest, that does not invalidate the use of the property. Invited the company to their complete elimination. At this point the Sac. Prisutto refused delivery for which there remained nothing but wait for the testing work. that has already been done, see note to the Department of Civil Protection PROT. N. DPC/SISM/28550 ROME, 20/04/2009 http://santuarioadonaibrucoli.blogspot.com/2009/09/non-tutti-hanno-fatto-il-loro-dovere.html .
(The Prisutto as the engineer. Burgo had proposed an out-out - or so or after the test - called for an additional week to inform the Curia). On that occasion, the owner of giving orders to seal the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe sanctuary, including the garden and the area green in fact also prevent the maintenance up to date . Subsequently, the Rector of the Shrine
required another visit to the Superintendence of Cultural Heritage and AA. Syracuse, which was made on 19.5.2009, following which the Board reiterated, with the written opinion that the findings made by the Sac. Prisutto not concern the scope of its powers. Objected, however, on the demolition of an ancient portal, and other already reported in the note of July 23, 2008) with respect to which they are in the course of testing (the writer has requested clarification from the DL), which, in any case, it appears from outside 'contract and not impede the use of the property and its return as Ente owner, however, confirmed by the inspector in his report of 08 October 2009.
To date, operations testing, both static and technical - administrative, can be considered completed and the testing required before issuing the notice of acceptance, which were restored to right relationship of working of 08/10/2009. (various works, some of which began on the fifth intervention)
Heard the test, for short routes, completed the restoration work, ordered the contractors on 16/10/2009, the expected date for return the property (rightly I use the term "property" because of the ancient monument was almost completely destroyed) can be set for mid November next
F.to ( Mr. Paul Burgo)
Sac. Prisutto Palmiro
Shrine Rector
required another visit to the Superintendence of Cultural Heritage and AA. Syracuse, which was made on 19.5.2009, following which the Board reiterated, with the written opinion that the findings made by the Sac. Prisutto not concern the scope of its powers. Objected, however, on the demolition of an ancient portal, and other already reported in the note of July 23, 2008) with respect to which they are in the course of testing (the writer has requested clarification from the DL), which, in any case, it appears from outside 'contract and not impede the use of the property and its return as Ente owner, however, confirmed by the inspector in his report of 08 October 2009.
To date, operations testing, both static and technical - administrative, can be considered completed and the testing required before issuing the notice of acceptance, which were restored to right relationship of working of 08/10/2009. (various works, some of which began on the fifth intervention)
Heard the test, for short routes, completed the restoration work, ordered the contractors on 16/10/2009, the expected date for return the property (rightly I use the term "property" because of the ancient monument was almost completely destroyed) can be set for mid November next
F.to ( Mr. Paul Burgo)
Sac. Prisutto Palmiro
Shrine Rector
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