The event is for all of Amantea and all of us a good way to reconsider the fate of Calabria and its people, especially young and future generations. Finally, many Calabrian not delegate or mandate to say what they think about the role of garbage in Italy and Europe, which has been relegated to their land by a maze of national and international affairs. Amantea there everybody, students, teachers, farmers, fishermen, merchants, consumers, workers, entrepreneurs, youth, elderly, grandchildren, grandparents, sons, fathers, mothers, environmental organizations, voluntary.
is true: there was also bad politics, the 'Ndrangheta, the bad local and national government, but once they were relegated with reason or strength to the role of spectators, to represent only themselves and not the redemption of the people of Calabria from the systematic poisoning of land and sea, from the devastation of their territory, and concreting, from wretched burning practices burial in landfills and municipal waste alone, by those politicians and officials of public agencies that protect the natural environment instead of plotting and colluding with the powers that be, weaving between the bourgeoisie's business-Masonic, mafia and state that characterizes the dominant block of our country .
The national government is clearly hindering the ability to shed light on the toxic and even radioactive waste that are scattered in the ground and in the seabed of Calabria (not only) in order to hide the real problem: that organized crime has illegally disposed of waste produced by a certain industry and public and private, in the name of profit and the globalization of capital and labor peoples and lands has poisoned almost to the point of no return.
The Regional Government may not be limited to the Councillor Greek while laudable initiative, but rather should pave the way to close with the devastation and the overbuilding of the territories, putting in place, he is able, free from the yokes of low political and omnipresent mafia-business clientele, a planning law that, not only on paper but also in its implementation, has the tools to safeguard the environmental havoc the coastal area and inland.
From Europe to the national government, the Region in all local authorities, we immediately put hands in their pockets to find the necessary resources for a total subsidy and seeks the truth about this criminal history, including using the wealth seized by the 'Ndrangheta. Let no one think to cheat us again as in 2004, perhaps with the help of some organ compliant information, expanding the time and covering up and / or falsifying the reality: we are ready to deal firmly with citizens and movement, these attempts .
And, for the future, even if we could guarantee one for ourselves and our children want a nuclear-free Calabria, free from power and radioactive waste, management of municipal waste as a resource by banning incinerators and landfills.
struggle Amantea is a stage in our battle for civilization in Calabria on December 19 and will continue next year, when the same people will cry out to the Berlusconi government's No to the Bridge, the great destructive and devastating, Business Development and mafias, contrasting his Yes to Life, well-being of present and future generations, the sustainability of economic and social choices, the ripubblicizzazione of water services, food sovereignty, solidarity among peoples. October 27, 2009
Refoundation Movement in Calabria
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