
Today (October 29, 2009) I received the letter from the prefecture of Syracuse, as attached.
Prefecture Syracuse had been made aware of the story to which the Presidency of the Republic (July 2009) http://www.giornaledisiracusa.it/dico-la-mia/5000-dimenticato-da-tutti-il-terremoto-di augusta.html- I had appealed after finding the omission and obstructionist attitude of the Civil Protection of Syracuse, works management and the contractor which carried out the work. The prefecture of
Siracusa wrote two (or maybe three letters) to the persons and institutions listed above on the non-reopening of the shrine Adonai.
Unfortunately, we note that, despite Law on Transparency and the right all'interlocuzione with the institutions, some of them did not even deign to respond to the person of the prefect.
The national civil protection department, requested by me in March 2009, at least, despite the tragedy and the emergence of the earthquake in Italy, had responded to the undersigned, .... But it was only the end of April 2009.
http://santuarioadonaibrucoli.blogspot.com/search?updated-min=2009-01-01T00% 3A00% 3A00-08% 3A00 & updated-max = 2010-01-01T00% 3A00% 3A00% 3A00-08 & max-results = 32
The events related to post-earthquake reconstruction of the shrine Adonai deserve attention now the judiciary is too long for the reconstruction of both the late acceptance for the quality of work performed that, in fact, they overturned the antiquity of the monument, and even for how they spent the money allocated for the restoration.
Though the work is now finished (May 2, 2008) and although the sanctuary was finished and tested by law had to be returned within six months, as of today the shrine is closed and the various steps "red tape" happen about every two to three months. Forty-five days ago, had said the Head of the procedure and one official of the civil protection that everything was ready and there was the "last test "that ... still waiting ....
It's really disconcerting and definitely offensive to me and our concern that in Abruzzo would surrender the keys to new houses for earthquake victims and here, paradoxically, they are actually even changed the locks to prevent entry into the garden of the sanctuary where the works have devastated the vegetation even centuries .
I was ashamed to belong to Italy in December 1990 when the earthquake when we were denied even solidarity. I was ashamed to be Italian - in subsequent years - The unequal treatment in the disaster, but I think well SHAME must satisfy certain other institutions (including state and Sicily) and some people for whom the reconstruction was only a "speculative dirty business patronage and taste "which has only multiplied the unnecessary suffering of earthquake victims for 19 years now anxious to regain possession of a structure (Sanctuary Adonai), which is already degraded again even before the surrender, and even - on paper - has been executed" on workmanlike ".
Today (October 29, 2009) I received the letter from the prefecture of Syracuse, as attached.
Prefecture Syracuse had been made aware of the story to which the Presidency of the Republic (July 2009) http://www.giornaledisiracusa.it/dico-la-mia/5000-dimenticato-da-tutti-il-terremoto-di augusta.html- I had appealed after finding the omission and obstructionist attitude of the Civil Protection of Syracuse, works management and the contractor which carried out the work. The prefecture of
Siracusa wrote two (or maybe three letters) to the persons and institutions listed above on the non-reopening of the shrine Adonai.
Unfortunately, we note that, despite Law on Transparency and the right all'interlocuzione with the institutions, some of them did not even deign to respond to the person of the prefect.
The national civil protection department, requested by me in March 2009, at least, despite the tragedy and the emergence of the earthquake in Italy, had responded to the undersigned, .... But it was only the end of April 2009.
http://santuarioadonaibrucoli.blogspot.com/search?updated-min=2009-01-01T00% 3A00% 3A00-08% 3A00 & updated-max = 2010-01-01T00% 3A00% 3A00% 3A00-08 & max-results = 32
The events related to post-earthquake reconstruction of the shrine Adonai deserve attention now the judiciary is too long for the reconstruction of both the late acceptance for the quality of work performed that, in fact, they overturned the antiquity of the monument, and even for how they spent the money allocated for the restoration.
Though the work is now finished (May 2, 2008) and although the sanctuary was finished and tested by law had to be returned within six months, as of today the shrine is closed and the various steps "red tape" happen about every two to three months. Forty-five days ago, had said the Head of the procedure and one official of the civil protection that everything was ready and there was the "last test "that ... still waiting ....
It's really disconcerting and definitely offensive to me and our concern that in Abruzzo would surrender the keys to new houses for earthquake victims and here, paradoxically, they are actually even changed the locks to prevent entry into the garden of the sanctuary where the works have devastated the vegetation even centuries .
I was ashamed to belong to Italy in December 1990 when the earthquake when we were denied even solidarity. I was ashamed to be Italian - in subsequent years - The unequal treatment in the disaster, but I think well SHAME must satisfy certain other institutions (including state and Sicily) and some people for whom the reconstruction was only a "speculative dirty business patronage and taste "which has only multiplied the unnecessary suffering of earthquake victims for 19 years now anxious to regain possession of a structure (Sanctuary Adonai), which is already degraded again even before the surrender, and even - on paper - has been executed" on workmanlike ".
Brucoli October 29, 2009
Sac. PrisuttoPalmiro
Sac. PrisuttoPalmiro
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