Para Mi querida Rosy Tengo Ganas de una muchacha
Eres el sol de mi vida, para you the lucha hasta puedo Olvidar.
Te espero, nena, en mi cabaña para hacer el amor. Tu hombre espera you.
Friday, November 26, 2010
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Names Of Parts Inside The Car
Sanctuary Adonai Adonai Sanctuary

Sanctuary and Hermitage of the Holy Virgin, Our Lady of Adonai
Brucoli (SR)
The Shrine of the Holy Virgin, Mother of Adonai rises around Brucoli, a few dozen meters from the sea is reflected in the waters of the Gulf of Catania, in the northern part of the province and the Diocese of Syracuse.
According to ancient traditions and testimonies, taken also by several writers of the seventeenth century, the result being a shrine oratory and early Christian the first churches dedicated to the worship of Mary SS. as evidenced by the Hebrew title "Adonai Mater (Mother of God). This is probably the Shrine of Mary, the oldest of Sicily and perhaps also the Western Christian world. A Christian presence in this place is documented as early as 253 AD.
The oratory dedicated to Mary SS. Mater Adonai was founded in the first half of the third century by a Christian called Trotilo of Publio, in one of the many caves of a preexisting tomb, called the Greek caves, caves inhabited since prehistoric times and successively by the Greeks in the eighth century BC, the time of Greek colonization of Sicily.
In these caves, quite isolated, processed successively by the Greeks in a cemetery, some Christians took refuge in the Christian community Lentini, oppressed by the bloody persecution of Decio and Valeriano. The sanctuary is composed of a cave, before which, in the seventeenth century after its discovery, was built a brick front building which gives the appearance of a small church and modest.
On the far wall of the cave, on the solid rock, one finds the fresco Mother of the Adonai, conducted according to tradition, by Saint Agatone, Bishop of Lipari, who had taken refuge in this place with Christians Lentini. The Virgin is shown seated on a ring of clouds. She holds in her arms the Infant Jesus in his right hand while grabbing a cross from the left raises his scepter to the world. The image, in the opinion of scholars is the signs of several interventions that have followed over time (crown and globe), but nobody has been able until now to date, certainty the age.
In this cave is converted to Christian faith first minister Alexander the tyrant of Lentini, which occurred after the martyrdom of three brothers Saint Alfio, Saint and Saint Cirino Filadelfo. After his baptism, Alexander took the name Neofito.
Then he became priest and first Bishop of the Christian community of Lentini. A very ancient inscription found in a church worship Lentini testifies to Mary as Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ (Adonai Mother) well before the Council of Efeso.
the fourth century during the best climate for religious freedom established by the Edict of Constantine, the cave was also abandoned because it was located in a deserted place far from inhabited places. Speaking of Mary Mater Adonai there are only memories, and we even lost the trail for about one thousand years, even if a tradition recalled the memory of a cave
thanks to an image of the Virgin that no one most had recovered. One would think that at the time of the Arab invasion of Sicily, this cave was hidden to prevent its destruction, as were many other symbols of the Christian faith.
The rediscovery of the cave with the fresco of the Virgin probably took place between the fourteenth and fifteenth century. The story goes that a shepherd discovered a way strange and perhaps miraculous. After releasing an ox that had fallen into a hole in the ground, after identifying as the window of the oratory, the shepherd was attracted by a bright light shining and mysterious
inside the hole: he descended through the skylight and discovered an image of the Virgin illuminated with his child.
The place instantly became the destination of pilgrimages and a few years later, near the small church was built a small cénobie (today better known as Hermitage) by a group of English soldiers, who had arrived there for a visit occasionally, but he remained enchanted by the beauty of the image and site. After leaving the military life they
gave life to the monastic community's secular Adonai, very special, existed until 1950, year of death of the last monk. These
cenobites watched their own rule derived in part from the merger of Benedictine and Cistercian rules. This community of hermits was distinguished by the sanctity of life and the promotion of the cult of the sacred image of the Virgin Mary.
The Sanctuary Adonai is also one of the oldest churches of Southern Italy and in particular, south eastern Sicily, even survived the Great Earthquake of January 11, 1693 which razed to the ground and caused an appalling record of human lives, almost one third of Sicily. Notarial documents testify to the existence of the Church of Adonai from the early seventeenth century.
During the first half of the eighteenth century, Louis de Leon Faenza put himself at the head of a group of volunteers, rebuilt the chapel at zero with 18 cells (from today), restored and made even greater the oratory, building a first body and forming the church today.
The Community was a great success throughout the eighteenth century and nineteenth century under the leadership of great men like Brother Louis Leon de Faenza, Brother Luis Bellière of Pavia (the founder of the famous Hermitage of San Corrado in Noto) Brother Alfio Drago Melilla and Brother Alfonzo Vigo Acireale.
the eighteenth century the Hermitage had its greatest period of splendor and consequently a revival of the cult of the Virgin Mother of Adonai. In February 1740 the Brothers of Adonai obtained the closing Pontifical but during the first half of the nineteenth century the Community fell into decay, and so the cénobie remained empty from 1809 to 1839. Throughout this period, indifference and neglect reduced the small church and the hermitage in
very miserable conditions, almost in ruins, and remained in place abandonment was looted and stripped completely. In 1839 eight hermits without the guidance of Brother Alphonsus of Jesus and Mary (Marquis of Vigo Acireale), repopulate the hermitage and thanks to the generous support of private and religious orders (especially the Poor Clares and the Benedictines of Catania) s The church was restored. The small church was
cleaned (again), decorated and filled with relics and paintings inspired by the history of oratory.
In 1841 Pope Gregory XVI granted a plenary indulgence to all those 's is confess and have communicated, have visited the shrine on Christmas Day Mary Mater Adonai (August 5), the Immaculate Conception, the Nativity of the BVM of the Purification and the Assumption and said "Altar daily perpetual preferred" the altar located above the image of the BVM
The Altar of the seventeenth century, however, was dismantled in 1847 to be substituted that the present altar with a kind of polychrome marble ledge recessed, as in a picture, the image of the Virgin, and during the final landscaping of the sacred cave was found under the pavement, the tombs of the ancient hermits.
The years from 1866 to 1876 were very agitated when following the subversive acts of the new Italian state, the monks of Adonai ventured to see cénobie and confiscate all their possessions.
In this connection there arose a legal battle which ended with the victory of the brothers, even though throughout that period he had to live in spite of themselves, inside the convent with all workers in the neighboring railways, construction, and the Government gave them permission to live at the Adonai.
Even in the late nineteenth century, the community of Adonai had to undergo a further period of temporary crisis, but terrible.
During the early years of the twentieth century the number of monks has gradually decreased from five degrees to a monk. The crises that have plagued mankind resulting in two very bloody world wars, are not foreign to the final decline of the glorious cénobie. The Sanctuary and the Hermitage, after the death of the last hermit Brother Antonino, occurred June 7, 1950, remained for some time, again deserted and become the prey of vandals sacrilegious, who looted and destroyed everything, until marble tabernacle, and the bell a large painting of 1815 showing the ordination of St. Neofito with historical memories of the place. In addition to the suffering of men were subsequently added heavy damage to the dilapidated masonry works.
In the 70s they gave in bailment for about fifteen years, the Sanctuary with its monastic structure dominant, with a church community of Catania under the direction of a priest, Ildebrando Santangelo, who with considerable effort and using volunteers have reevaluated the old chapel.
Successively the whole was entrusted to the Diocesan Catholic Action of Syracuse, but the latter quickly discouraged by the vandalism was forced to abandon it.
The Hermitage and the Church, currently assigned to the neighboring parish of Brucoli, will be reborn thanks to the care and eager to work for a few volunteers.
During the year, the former cénobie with a receptive capacity of 40 seats can accommodate a very "Spartan" scout groups, parishioners and church groups for days or weeks of spirituality, training areas, with the method of self-management.
Following the earthquake of December 13, 1990, 2000 were executed work to end partial restructuring to make them stronger in 2007 and the final restoration works have begun.
During the summer, they celebrate the Holy Mass on the eve of celebration, while all years, for a very long time, all on August 5 Feast of Our Lady of the Adonai, the traditional pilgrimage takes place.
From 2007, every two years, the Virgin of Adonai is honored by a festival exclusively religious.
During this period the oasis of peace bloom again Christian and worship at SS Marie. Adonai Mater.
To welcome and visits to the Shrine should contact the Parish of St. Nicolas in Brucoli, Mobile 3471979657 ... .0931-981313
On www
http:// santuarioadonaibrucoli, blogspot . com
can find further information
Brucoli (SR)
The Shrine of the Holy Virgin, Mother of Adonai rises around Brucoli, a few dozen meters from the sea is reflected in the waters of the Gulf of Catania, in the northern part of the province and the Diocese of Syracuse.
According to ancient traditions and testimonies, taken also by several writers of the seventeenth century, the result being a shrine oratory and early Christian the first churches dedicated to the worship of Mary SS. as evidenced by the Hebrew title "Adonai Mater (Mother of God). This is probably the Shrine of Mary, the oldest of Sicily and perhaps also the Western Christian world. A Christian presence in this place is documented as early as 253 AD.
The oratory dedicated to Mary SS. Mater Adonai was founded in the first half of the third century by a Christian called Trotilo of Publio, in one of the many caves of a preexisting tomb, called the Greek caves, caves inhabited since prehistoric times and successively by the Greeks in the eighth century BC, the time of Greek colonization of Sicily.
In these caves, quite isolated, processed successively by the Greeks in a cemetery, some Christians took refuge in the Christian community Lentini, oppressed by the bloody persecution of Decio and Valeriano. The sanctuary is composed of a cave, before which, in the seventeenth century after its discovery, was built a brick front building which gives the appearance of a small church and modest.
On the far wall of the cave, on the solid rock, one finds the fresco Mother of the Adonai, conducted according to tradition, by Saint Agatone, Bishop of Lipari, who had taken refuge in this place with Christians Lentini. The Virgin is shown seated on a ring of clouds. She holds in her arms the Infant Jesus in his right hand while grabbing a cross from the left raises his scepter to the world. The image, in the opinion of scholars is the signs of several interventions that have followed over time (crown and globe), but nobody has been able until now to date, certainty the age.
In this cave is converted to Christian faith first minister Alexander the tyrant of Lentini, which occurred after the martyrdom of three brothers Saint Alfio, Saint and Saint Cirino Filadelfo. After his baptism, Alexander took the name Neofito.
Then he became priest and first Bishop of the Christian community of Lentini. A very ancient inscription found in a church worship Lentini testifies to Mary as Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ (Adonai Mother) well before the Council of Efeso.
the fourth century during the best climate for religious freedom established by the Edict of Constantine, the cave was also abandoned because it was located in a deserted place far from inhabited places. Speaking of Mary Mater Adonai there are only memories, and we even lost the trail for about one thousand years, even if a tradition recalled the memory of a cave
thanks to an image of the Virgin that no one most had recovered. One would think that at the time of the Arab invasion of Sicily, this cave was hidden to prevent its destruction, as were many other symbols of the Christian faith.
The rediscovery of the cave with the fresco of the Virgin probably took place between the fourteenth and fifteenth century. The story goes that a shepherd discovered a way strange and perhaps miraculous. After releasing an ox that had fallen into a hole in the ground, after identifying as the window of the oratory, the shepherd was attracted by a bright light shining and mysterious
inside the hole: he descended through the skylight and discovered an image of the Virgin illuminated with his child.
The place instantly became the destination of pilgrimages and a few years later, near the small church was built a small cénobie (today better known as Hermitage) by a group of English soldiers, who had arrived there for a visit occasionally, but he remained enchanted by the beauty of the image and site. After leaving the military life they
gave life to the monastic community's secular Adonai, very special, existed until 1950, year of death of the last monk. These
cenobites watched their own rule derived in part from the merger of Benedictine and Cistercian rules. This community of hermits was distinguished by the sanctity of life and the promotion of the cult of the sacred image of the Virgin Mary.
The Sanctuary Adonai is also one of the oldest churches of Southern Italy and in particular, south eastern Sicily, even survived the Great Earthquake of January 11, 1693 which razed to the ground and caused an appalling record of human lives, almost one third of Sicily. Notarial documents testify to the existence of the Church of Adonai from the early seventeenth century.
During the first half of the eighteenth century, Louis de Leon Faenza put himself at the head of a group of volunteers, rebuilt the chapel at zero with 18 cells (from today), restored and made even greater the oratory, building a first body and forming the church today.
The Community was a great success throughout the eighteenth century and nineteenth century under the leadership of great men like Brother Louis Leon de Faenza, Brother Luis Bellière of Pavia (the founder of the famous Hermitage of San Corrado in Noto) Brother Alfio Drago Melilla and Brother Alfonzo Vigo Acireale.
the eighteenth century the Hermitage had its greatest period of splendor and consequently a revival of the cult of the Virgin Mother of Adonai. In February 1740 the Brothers of Adonai obtained the closing Pontifical but during the first half of the nineteenth century the Community fell into decay, and so the cénobie remained empty from 1809 to 1839. Throughout this period, indifference and neglect reduced the small church and the hermitage in
very miserable conditions, almost in ruins, and remained in place abandonment was looted and stripped completely. In 1839 eight hermits without the guidance of Brother Alphonsus of Jesus and Mary (Marquis of Vigo Acireale), repopulate the hermitage and thanks to the generous support of private and religious orders (especially the Poor Clares and the Benedictines of Catania) s The church was restored. The small church was
cleaned (again), decorated and filled with relics and paintings inspired by the history of oratory.
In 1841 Pope Gregory XVI granted a plenary indulgence to all those 's is confess and have communicated, have visited the shrine on Christmas Day Mary Mater Adonai (August 5), the Immaculate Conception, the Nativity of the BVM of the Purification and the Assumption and said "Altar daily perpetual preferred" the altar located above the image of the BVM
The Altar of the seventeenth century, however, was dismantled in 1847 to be substituted that the present altar with a kind of polychrome marble ledge recessed, as in a picture, the image of the Virgin, and during the final landscaping of the sacred cave was found under the pavement, the tombs of the ancient hermits.
The years from 1866 to 1876 were very agitated when following the subversive acts of the new Italian state, the monks of Adonai ventured to see cénobie and confiscate all their possessions.
In this connection there arose a legal battle which ended with the victory of the brothers, even though throughout that period he had to live in spite of themselves, inside the convent with all workers in the neighboring railways, construction, and the Government gave them permission to live at the Adonai.
Even in the late nineteenth century, the community of Adonai had to undergo a further period of temporary crisis, but terrible.
During the early years of the twentieth century the number of monks has gradually decreased from five degrees to a monk. The crises that have plagued mankind resulting in two very bloody world wars, are not foreign to the final decline of the glorious cénobie. The Sanctuary and the Hermitage, after the death of the last hermit Brother Antonino, occurred June 7, 1950, remained for some time, again deserted and become the prey of vandals sacrilegious, who looted and destroyed everything, until marble tabernacle, and the bell a large painting of 1815 showing the ordination of St. Neofito with historical memories of the place. In addition to the suffering of men were subsequently added heavy damage to the dilapidated masonry works.
In the 70s they gave in bailment for about fifteen years, the Sanctuary with its monastic structure dominant, with a church community of Catania under the direction of a priest, Ildebrando Santangelo, who with considerable effort and using volunteers have reevaluated the old chapel.
Successively the whole was entrusted to the Diocesan Catholic Action of Syracuse, but the latter quickly discouraged by the vandalism was forced to abandon it.
The Hermitage and the Church, currently assigned to the neighboring parish of Brucoli, will be reborn thanks to the care and eager to work for a few volunteers.
During the year, the former cénobie with a receptive capacity of 40 seats can accommodate a very "Spartan" scout groups, parishioners and church groups for days or weeks of spirituality, training areas, with the method of self-management.
Following the earthquake of December 13, 1990, 2000 were executed work to end partial restructuring to make them stronger in 2007 and the final restoration works have begun.
During the summer, they celebrate the Holy Mass on the eve of celebration, while all years, for a very long time, all on August 5 Feast of Our Lady of the Adonai, the traditional pilgrimage takes place.
From 2007, every two years, the Virgin of Adonai is honored by a festival exclusively religious.
During this period the oasis of peace bloom again Christian and worship at SS Marie. Adonai Mater.
To welcome and visits to the Shrine should contact the Parish of St. Nicolas in Brucoli, Mobile 3471979657 ... .0931-981313
On www
http:// santuarioadonaibrucoli, blogspot . com
can find further information
Allergy, Sneezing, Blood In Mucus
Information in French Information in English
The Sanctuary of Saint Mary Mater Adonai can be found near Brucoli, a few metres from the sea, mirroring itself in the waters of the Gulf of Catania, in the northern part of the province, in the Diocese of Siracusa.
According to ancient traditions and testimonies taken from the writings of the 16th and 17th centuries, the Sanctuary seems to have been a paleo-christian oratory and one of the very first churches dedicated to St. Mary which can be confirmed by its Jewish name of “Mater Adonai”(= Mother of my God). It is definitely the oldest sanctuary dedicated to St. Mary in Sicily and perhaps even in the western Christian world. A Christian presence in this area has been
The Sanctuary of Saint Mary Mater Adonai can be found near Brucoli, a few metres from the sea, mirroring itself in the waters of the Gulf of Catania, in the northern part of the province, in the Diocese of Siracusa.
According to ancient traditions and testimonies taken from the writings of the 16th and 17th centuries, the Sanctuary seems to have been a paleo-christian oratory and one of the very first churches dedicated to St. Mary which can be confirmed by its Jewish name of “Mater Adonai”(= Mother of my God). It is definitely the oldest sanctuary dedicated to St. Mary in Sicily and perhaps even in the western Christian world. A Christian presence in this area has been
documented since the year 253 of the Christian era. The Oratory, dedicated to St. Mary – Mater Adonai was founded during the first half of the 3rd century by a Christian by the name of Publio, from Trotilo, in one of the numerous caves of a pre-existing hypogeum, named “the grotto of the Greek”. These caves were inhabited since prehistory and by the Greeks in the 8th century B.C. during the Greek colonisation of Sicily.
In these isolated caves, latterly transformed by the Greeks into a necropolis, some Christians from the Christian community of Leontinoi (Lentini) who were oppressed by the bloody persecution of Decio and Valeriano, found refuge.
The sanctuary consists of a cave, in front of which after its discovery in the 17th century, a brick building was constructed which gives it the aspect of a modest church. On the wall of the cave there is a fresco of the Madonna of Adonai created according to the tradition of St. Agatone, Bishop of Lipari, who also took refuge here together with the Christians from Lentini. The Madonna is shown to be sitting on a cushion of clouds with Baby Jesus in her arms, who
is holding a cross in his right hand, and in his left hand he rests his sceptre on the world. According to the views of the scholars, this picture shows the signs of various additions over the years (the crown and globe) but up to now, no-one has been able to give an exact age to the fresco.
Alexander, the Prime Minister of the tyrant of Lentini, was converted to the Catholic faith in this cave, after the martyrdoms of three brothers, Alfio, Cirino and Filadelfo, who attained sainthood. After his baptism, Alexander took the name of Neofito and later became a priest and the first Bishop of the Christian community of Lentini. An ancient inscription found near a church in Lentini, documents the cult of Mary as the Mother of God (Adonai) even earlier than the ecumenical Council of Efeso.
In the 4th century in the new climate of religious freedom, which was established by the Edict of Constantine, the cave-oratory was abandoned, probably because it was situated in a lonely place a long way from other dwellings. From the oratory dedicated to Mother Mary Adonai, only the memory remained, and even this was lost without trace for about 1,000 years, even though tradition handed down the memory of the cave with the picture of the Virgin Mary, which
In these isolated caves, latterly transformed by the Greeks into a necropolis, some Christians from the Christian community of Leontinoi (Lentini) who were oppressed by the bloody persecution of Decio and Valeriano, found refuge.
The sanctuary consists of a cave, in front of which after its discovery in the 17th century, a brick building was constructed which gives it the aspect of a modest church. On the wall of the cave there is a fresco of the Madonna of Adonai created according to the tradition of St. Agatone, Bishop of Lipari, who also took refuge here together with the Christians from Lentini. The Madonna is shown to be sitting on a cushion of clouds with Baby Jesus in her arms, who
is holding a cross in his right hand, and in his left hand he rests his sceptre on the world. According to the views of the scholars, this picture shows the signs of various additions over the years (the crown and globe) but up to now, no-one has been able to give an exact age to the fresco.
Alexander, the Prime Minister of the tyrant of Lentini, was converted to the Catholic faith in this cave, after the martyrdoms of three brothers, Alfio, Cirino and Filadelfo, who attained sainthood. After his baptism, Alexander took the name of Neofito and later became a priest and the first Bishop of the Christian community of Lentini. An ancient inscription found near a church in Lentini, documents the cult of Mary as the Mother of God (Adonai) even earlier than the ecumenical Council of Efeso.
In the 4th century in the new climate of religious freedom, which was established by the Edict of Constantine, the cave-oratory was abandoned, probably because it was situated in a lonely place a long way from other dwellings. From the oratory dedicated to Mother Mary Adonai, only the memory remained, and even this was lost without trace for about 1,000 years, even though tradition handed down the memory of the cave with the picture of the Virgin Mary, which
no-one had ever found. One hypothesis is that at the time of the Arab invasion of Sicily, this cave was hidden to avoid its destruction, as happened to many other symbols of the Christian faith.
The discovery of the cave with the fresco of the Madonna probably happened between 1500 and 1600. Legend has it that a shepherd found it in such a strange way, that many consider it a miracle. The shepherd, after having freed a bull which had fallen into a hole in the ground, - which later was found to have been the skylight of the cave-oratory – was attracted by a mysterious bright light which shone in the underground cavity. Climbing down through the skylight, he discovered the luminous picture of the Madonna and Child.
This place immediately became a destination for pilgrimages and after some years, a small monastery was built next to the church (today it is commonly known as a hermitage) by a group of English soldiers, who had passed there by chance, and who were captivated by the beauty of the portrait and its location. They abandoned their military career and formed the monastic lay
community of the Adonai, which continued to exist until 1950, the year of the death of the last Brother.
These monks observed their own rules, a part of which was from the fusion of the Benedictine and Cistercian Rules. This community of monks distinguished itself by its saintly life and by the furtherance of the cult of the sacred image of Mary.
The Sanctuary of Adonai also contains one of the oldest churches in the south of Italy and in particular in south-eastern Sicily, which survived the catastrophic earthquake of 11th January 1693 which razed to the ground nearly a third of the whole of Sicily, with a terrible loss of human life. Notarised documents proving the existence of the church of the Adonai can be traced back to early 1600 A.D.
In the first half of the 18th century, Luigi De Leon from Faenza, who was at the head of a group of volunteers, completely rebuilt the hermitage with 18 cells (which still exist) restored and enlarged the Oratory, constructing a building in front of it, which became the present small church.
The community flourished during the 18th and 19th centuries under the guidance of important people, such as Brother Luigi Deleon from Faenza, Brother Luigi Bellieri from Pavia (who was later to become the founder of the famous hermitage of San Corrado at Noto) Brother Alfio Drago from Melilli and Brother Alfonso Vigo from Acireale.
In the 18th century the hermitage had its period of maximum splendour with the onsequent flourishing of the cult of the Madonna of Adonai. In February 1740 the Brothers obtained the Pontificial Closed Orders, but during the first half of the 19th century the community went into a decline, which resulted in the hermitage standing empty from 1809 to 1839. During this period, indifference and abandon left the church and the hermitage in little more than a ruin, and being unguarded, everything that was left there was stolen.
In 1839 eight hermits under the guidance of Brother Alfonso di Gesù e Maria (of the Marchesi Vigo family from Acireale) repopulated the hermitage and with the generous help of private citizens and Religious Orders (particularly the Clarisse and the Benedictine monks of Catania) the church was repaired. It was cleaned and replenished and filled with relics and paintings inspired by he history of the oratory.
In 1841 Pope Gregory XVI granted the Plenary Indulgence to those who had confessed and taken communion at the sanctuary on the day of the feast of Mother Mary Adonai (5th August); of the Immaculate Conception; of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary; of the Purification and of the Assumption and declared the altar below the image of Blessed Virgin Mary to have special
privileges (Altare privilegiato quotidiano perpetua).
However, this altar, which was built in the 17th century was demolished in 1847 to make space for the existing altar which contained the portrait of the Virgin Mary inserted into a marble frame making it seem like a painting.
During the course of the final restoration of the sacred grotto, the tombs of the original hermits were found underneath the flooring.
The years 1866-1873 were a turbulent period, when as a result of the destructive laws of the new Italian state, the monks of the Adonai risked having the monastery and all their possessions confiscated. A legal controversy took place which concluded with the victory of the Brothers, even though during this whole period, upon the instructions of the Government, they were obliged to allow the workmen who were building the nearby railway, to live in the monastery with them.
Once more, at the end of the 19th century, the community of the Adonai momentarily underwent a new period of crisis.
During the first years of the 20th century, the number of Brothers progressively diminished, decreasing gradually from five to one. The grave crisis caused by the two World Wars which touched the whole of humanity was not extraneous to the definitive decline of the glorious monastery.
Following the death of the last hermit, Fra Antonino, on the 7th June 1950, the Sanctuary and the Hermitage were left empty for some time, and became the victims of sacrilegious vandals who devastated the buildings and stole everything, even the marble tabernacle, the bell and the large painting of 1815 showing the ordaining of Saint Neofito with the chronological memory of the area. In addition to the man-made damage, there was also the damage to the brickwork caused by old age.
In the 1970s the Sanctuary and the monastic structure were lent for about 15 years to an ecclesiastical community from Catania, under the leadership of a priest (Padre Ildebrando Santangelo) who with noteworthy effort and the help of volunteers improved the ancient hermitage. Later the whole area became part of the Catholic Diocese of Siracusa, but soon the Diocese became discouraged by the vandalism and were compelled to abandon the site.
Presently it is under the jurisdiction of the nearby Parish of Brucoli and the Hermitage and the Church are coming back to life from the ruins thanks to the attentive care and the work of volunteers.
During the course of the year the old monastery, which can accommodate 40 people, is able to give hospitality, albeit spartan, to groups of scouts, parish or church groups, for days or weeks of spiritual retreats or other independent courses.
Following the earthquake of 13th December 1990, in 2000 partial renovation and consolidation works were performed. In 2007 definitive restoration works were commenced.
During the summer period Mass is celebrated during the week and every year from time immemorial each 5th August, the Feast of the Madonna Adonai, there is the traditional pilgrimage. From 2007 on alternate years, the Madonna of Adonai is honoured with a religious feast.
The oasis of Christian peace and the cult of Saint Mother Mary Adonai is being re-born.
For a meeting and visits to the Sanctuary, it is necessary to contact the
Parish of San Nicola in Brucoli, 0931-981313 Mobile 3471979657.
Further information can be found on
The discovery of the cave with the fresco of the Madonna probably happened between 1500 and 1600. Legend has it that a shepherd found it in such a strange way, that many consider it a miracle. The shepherd, after having freed a bull which had fallen into a hole in the ground, - which later was found to have been the skylight of the cave-oratory – was attracted by a mysterious bright light which shone in the underground cavity. Climbing down through the skylight, he discovered the luminous picture of the Madonna and Child.
This place immediately became a destination for pilgrimages and after some years, a small monastery was built next to the church (today it is commonly known as a hermitage) by a group of English soldiers, who had passed there by chance, and who were captivated by the beauty of the portrait and its location. They abandoned their military career and formed the monastic lay
community of the Adonai, which continued to exist until 1950, the year of the death of the last Brother.
These monks observed their own rules, a part of which was from the fusion of the Benedictine and Cistercian Rules. This community of monks distinguished itself by its saintly life and by the furtherance of the cult of the sacred image of Mary.
The Sanctuary of Adonai also contains one of the oldest churches in the south of Italy and in particular in south-eastern Sicily, which survived the catastrophic earthquake of 11th January 1693 which razed to the ground nearly a third of the whole of Sicily, with a terrible loss of human life. Notarised documents proving the existence of the church of the Adonai can be traced back to early 1600 A.D.
In the first half of the 18th century, Luigi De Leon from Faenza, who was at the head of a group of volunteers, completely rebuilt the hermitage with 18 cells (which still exist) restored and enlarged the Oratory, constructing a building in front of it, which became the present small church.
The community flourished during the 18th and 19th centuries under the guidance of important people, such as Brother Luigi Deleon from Faenza, Brother Luigi Bellieri from Pavia (who was later to become the founder of the famous hermitage of San Corrado at Noto) Brother Alfio Drago from Melilli and Brother Alfonso Vigo from Acireale.
In the 18th century the hermitage had its period of maximum splendour with the onsequent flourishing of the cult of the Madonna of Adonai. In February 1740 the Brothers obtained the Pontificial Closed Orders, but during the first half of the 19th century the community went into a decline, which resulted in the hermitage standing empty from 1809 to 1839. During this period, indifference and abandon left the church and the hermitage in little more than a ruin, and being unguarded, everything that was left there was stolen.
In 1839 eight hermits under the guidance of Brother Alfonso di Gesù e Maria (of the Marchesi Vigo family from Acireale) repopulated the hermitage and with the generous help of private citizens and Religious Orders (particularly the Clarisse and the Benedictine monks of Catania) the church was repaired. It was cleaned and replenished and filled with relics and paintings inspired by he history of the oratory.
In 1841 Pope Gregory XVI granted the Plenary Indulgence to those who had confessed and taken communion at the sanctuary on the day of the feast of Mother Mary Adonai (5th August); of the Immaculate Conception; of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary; of the Purification and of the Assumption and declared the altar below the image of Blessed Virgin Mary to have special
privileges (Altare privilegiato quotidiano perpetua).
However, this altar, which was built in the 17th century was demolished in 1847 to make space for the existing altar which contained the portrait of the Virgin Mary inserted into a marble frame making it seem like a painting.
During the course of the final restoration of the sacred grotto, the tombs of the original hermits were found underneath the flooring.
The years 1866-1873 were a turbulent period, when as a result of the destructive laws of the new Italian state, the monks of the Adonai risked having the monastery and all their possessions confiscated. A legal controversy took place which concluded with the victory of the Brothers, even though during this whole period, upon the instructions of the Government, they were obliged to allow the workmen who were building the nearby railway, to live in the monastery with them.
Once more, at the end of the 19th century, the community of the Adonai momentarily underwent a new period of crisis.
During the first years of the 20th century, the number of Brothers progressively diminished, decreasing gradually from five to one. The grave crisis caused by the two World Wars which touched the whole of humanity was not extraneous to the definitive decline of the glorious monastery.
Following the death of the last hermit, Fra Antonino, on the 7th June 1950, the Sanctuary and the Hermitage were left empty for some time, and became the victims of sacrilegious vandals who devastated the buildings and stole everything, even the marble tabernacle, the bell and the large painting of 1815 showing the ordaining of Saint Neofito with the chronological memory of the area. In addition to the man-made damage, there was also the damage to the brickwork caused by old age.
In the 1970s the Sanctuary and the monastic structure were lent for about 15 years to an ecclesiastical community from Catania, under the leadership of a priest (Padre Ildebrando Santangelo) who with noteworthy effort and the help of volunteers improved the ancient hermitage. Later the whole area became part of the Catholic Diocese of Siracusa, but soon the Diocese became discouraged by the vandalism and were compelled to abandon the site.
Presently it is under the jurisdiction of the nearby Parish of Brucoli and the Hermitage and the Church are coming back to life from the ruins thanks to the attentive care and the work of volunteers.
During the course of the year the old monastery, which can accommodate 40 people, is able to give hospitality, albeit spartan, to groups of scouts, parish or church groups, for days or weeks of spiritual retreats or other independent courses.
Following the earthquake of 13th December 1990, in 2000 partial renovation and consolidation works were performed. In 2007 definitive restoration works were commenced.
During the summer period Mass is celebrated during the week and every year from time immemorial each 5th August, the Feast of the Madonna Adonai, there is the traditional pilgrimage. From 2007 on alternate years, the Madonna of Adonai is honoured with a religious feast.
The oasis of Christian peace and the cult of Saint Mother Mary Adonai is being re-born.
For a meeting and visits to the Sanctuary, it is necessary to contact the
Parish of San Nicola in Brucoli, 0931-981313 Mobile 3471979657.
Further information can be found on
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
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Heiligtum Einsiedelei und Maria SS. Mater ADONAI BRUCOLI (SR)
sanctuary and hermitage Maria SS Mater ADONAI BRUCOLI (SR)
Past Notes
The sanctuary of St. Mary of Adonai is near Brucoli, not far from the sea and is reflected in Gulf of Catania, in the northern part of the Province and Diocese of Syracuse.
According to old traditions, and history, by different writers in the 16th and 17 Century were put back, is the sanctuary an early Christian Community center and is one of the first churches to the cult of Maria SS were dedicated as the Jewish title "Mater Adonai" (= mother of my men) testified. It is certainly the oldest Marian sanctuary in Sicily, and probably also in the Western Christian world.
A Christian presence is documented in this situation, starting at 253rd The Maria Mater
dedicated SS Adonai village hall was in the first half of the 3rd Century of the Christian Publio Trotilo from one of the many caves (grotte del Greco called) established a pre-existing Hypogeum. The caves were already in the 8th Century BC, Greek colonization of Sicily at the time, and were used by the Greeks changed to Necropolis. Here are some of Christian saved Leontinoi town, which was oppressed by Decius and Valerian bloody persecution.
The sanctuary consists of a cave, what are the 17th A Mason-century porch was built, which makes them look like a simple church.
is the end of the cave is the fresco of Our Lady of Adonai, Bishop of Lipari S. Agaton formed, which is saved here with the Christian from Lentini. In the fresco, the Madonna is seated on the rim and clouds with the Christ child in her arms, holding in his right hand and places the cross with his left his staff on the world. According to experts, the image has been repeatedly alters, but you can not date it with full security.
In this cave was Alessandro, Minister of the tyrant from Lentini, converted after the martyrdom of his holy brothers Alfio, Cirino and Filadelfio to faith.
Alessandro was named to the Christian name Neofito he was after the first Christian priest and bishop in Lentini. A very old inscription, found at a church in prove Lentini, Maria's devotion as a mother of the Lord (Adonai) before the Council of Ephesus. In the 4th
Century, the cave-town house because of its isolated position, left neglected. The Maria Mater Adonai dedicated community center millennium disappeared without a trace: Probably the cave was hidden at the time of Arab invasion and other symbols of the Christian faith to their destruction to avoid.
The grotto with the Virgin fresco was discovered in 1500-1600 again. It is said that a poor shepherd in a strange cave and discovered a wonderful way again. The little shepherd, after the liberation of his in a ditch - the roof windows of the grotto - fallen cow, was attracted by an intense and secret slip in the underlying depression: here he found the glowing image of the Madonna and Christ child.
The position was soon to pilgrim destination and has been here a little later cenoby (now known as Hermitage), built by English soldiers, who were charmed by the beauty of the picture and place. They left the military life and founded the lay-monastic community of Adonai, which existed until 1950, the year of the last monk.
The brothers followed their own rule, the result of the association between the Benedictine and the zisterzienschen was. The town was distinguished by their holiness of life and the cult of Saint Mary-transport-portrait.
Adonai Sanctuary is also one of the oldest church in southern Italy and particularly in South-eastern Sicily, which the terrible earthquake of 11 survived Januar 1693rd Notary documents prove the existence of Adonai Church starting at the beginning of 1600. In the first half of
. 18. Century built by Luigi De Leon from Faenza and some volunteers from the Hermitage with 18 new (current) cells, restored and extended the people's house through a porch and formed the present-day church.
The town had a heyday in the 18th and from 19 th century under the leadership of prominent figures such as Fra 'Luigi Deleon from Faenza, Fra' Luigi Bellieri from Pavia (founder of the known hermitage of San Corrado in Noto), Frat'Alfio Drago from Melilli and Frat'Alfonso Vigo Acireale. In the 18th
Century, the hermitage had their full glory and flourished again as a result of the Madonna of Adonai cult.
received in February 1740, the Adonai, the Pope brothers retreat, but in the first half of the 19th Century. came to town in decline, so that the monastery remained empty from 1809 until 1839. At the moment did the indifference and abandonment of the church to the ruins, the site was unguarded and was very gepludert.
1839 populated eight hermits under the leadership of Fra 'Alfonso of Jesus e Maria (Mark Graf Vigo Acireale) the hermitage again and with the help of private individuals and religious orders (especially from the Poor Clares and Benedictines from Catania) restored the church and with relics and pictures adorned. Pope Gregory XVI in 1841
gave the confessions and communicated in the sanctuary on the holiday of Maria Mater Adonai (August 5), Immaculate Virgin Mary, the Virgin Mary had visited birth, Light Measurement and ascension, plenary indulgence and the altar call at the Image of the BVM recipient ever of the daily altar.
1847, but this altar of the 17th Century tore down to make the present location, the embellished the image of the Virgin with a frame made of colored marble. In the final installation of the cave under the floor of the ditch of the old hermit was recovered.
ran between 1866 and 1873 the monks Adonai by the laws of the new Italian state risk, the monastery and confiscated their money to have. At that time resulted in a court battle that ended with the victory of the monks.
At the end of the 19th Century. Adonai experienced the community a new strong period of crisis.
In the first years of the 20th Century. the number has gradually monk of five decreased to one. The decline of the famous monastery was also caused by the harsh crises that contributed to the two bloody world wars.
sanctuary and hermitage remained after the death of Fra'Antonino (7th Juni1950), the last hermit for a time neglected and fell prey to Lästererwandalen that everything, even Marmeltabernakel, the bell and a large painting of 1815 Ordination of Priests of S. Neofito and contemporary documents of the town have been stolen. The man claims entered to age the wall damage.
In the 70 years provided sanctuary and convent of a church community as a loan from Catania: this has led by Ildebrando P. Santangelo, laboriously highlighted and with the help of volunteers, the old monastery again.
was then entrusted to the whole complex of the Azione Cattolica from Syracuse, but that it was soon abandoned due Vandal acts.
Hermitage and the Church entrusted at present the parish of Brucoli and thanks to the volunteers they bloom again.
The old monastery is in touch with its 40 places, "Spartan" Boyscout, parish and church groups for spiritual days or weeks and seminars in self-government.
After the earthquake of 13 December 1990, in 2000, partial renovation work done, 2007, we started the final renovation. In summer, the S. Vigil Mass is celebrated, on 5 August each year, Feast of Madonna Adonai, will take place the traditional pilgrimage. From 2007, every other year, Madonna Adonai is honored with a religious festival.
The oasis of peace and the cult of Maria SS Mater Adonai bloom again.
Contact the Parish of St. Nicholas in Brucoli for any reception or visit the sanctuary,
Handyn 0931-981313. 3471979657.
Other information:
htp: / /

sanctuary and hermitage Maria SS Mater ADONAI BRUCOLI (SR)
Past Notes
The sanctuary of St. Mary of Adonai is near Brucoli, not far from the sea and is reflected in Gulf of Catania, in the northern part of the Province and Diocese of Syracuse.
According to old traditions, and history, by different writers in the 16th and 17 Century were put back, is the sanctuary an early Christian Community center and is one of the first churches to the cult of Maria SS were dedicated as the Jewish title "Mater Adonai" (= mother of my men) testified. It is certainly the oldest Marian sanctuary in Sicily, and probably also in the Western Christian world.
A Christian presence is documented in this situation, starting at 253rd The Maria Mater
dedicated SS Adonai village hall was in the first half of the 3rd Century of the Christian Publio Trotilo from one of the many caves (grotte del Greco called) established a pre-existing Hypogeum. The caves were already in the 8th Century BC, Greek colonization of Sicily at the time, and were used by the Greeks changed to Necropolis. Here are some of Christian saved Leontinoi town, which was oppressed by Decius and Valerian bloody persecution.
The sanctuary consists of a cave, what are the 17th A Mason-century porch was built, which makes them look like a simple church.
is the end of the cave is the fresco of Our Lady of Adonai, Bishop of Lipari S. Agaton formed, which is saved here with the Christian from Lentini. In the fresco, the Madonna is seated on the rim and clouds with the Christ child in her arms, holding in his right hand and places the cross with his left his staff on the world. According to experts, the image has been repeatedly alters, but you can not date it with full security.
In this cave was Alessandro, Minister of the tyrant from Lentini, converted after the martyrdom of his holy brothers Alfio, Cirino and Filadelfio to faith.
Alessandro was named to the Christian name Neofito he was after the first Christian priest and bishop in Lentini. A very old inscription, found at a church in prove Lentini, Maria's devotion as a mother of the Lord (Adonai) before the Council of Ephesus. In the 4th
Century, the cave-town house because of its isolated position, left neglected. The Maria Mater Adonai dedicated community center millennium disappeared without a trace: Probably the cave was hidden at the time of Arab invasion and other symbols of the Christian faith to their destruction to avoid.
The grotto with the Virgin fresco was discovered in 1500-1600 again. It is said that a poor shepherd in a strange cave and discovered a wonderful way again. The little shepherd, after the liberation of his in a ditch - the roof windows of the grotto - fallen cow, was attracted by an intense and secret slip in the underlying depression: here he found the glowing image of the Madonna and Christ child.
The position was soon to pilgrim destination and has been here a little later cenoby (now known as Hermitage), built by English soldiers, who were charmed by the beauty of the picture and place. They left the military life and founded the lay-monastic community of Adonai, which existed until 1950, the year of the last monk.
The brothers followed their own rule, the result of the association between the Benedictine and the zisterzienschen was. The town was distinguished by their holiness of life and the cult of Saint Mary-transport-portrait.
Adonai Sanctuary is also one of the oldest church in southern Italy and particularly in South-eastern Sicily, which the terrible earthquake of 11 survived Januar 1693rd Notary documents prove the existence of Adonai Church starting at the beginning of 1600. In the first half of
. 18. Century built by Luigi De Leon from Faenza and some volunteers from the Hermitage with 18 new (current) cells, restored and extended the people's house through a porch and formed the present-day church.
The town had a heyday in the 18th and from 19 th century under the leadership of prominent figures such as Fra 'Luigi Deleon from Faenza, Fra' Luigi Bellieri from Pavia (founder of the known hermitage of San Corrado in Noto), Frat'Alfio Drago from Melilli and Frat'Alfonso Vigo Acireale. In the 18th
Century, the hermitage had their full glory and flourished again as a result of the Madonna of Adonai cult.
received in February 1740, the Adonai, the Pope brothers retreat, but in the first half of the 19th Century. came to town in decline, so that the monastery remained empty from 1809 until 1839. At the moment did the indifference and abandonment of the church to the ruins, the site was unguarded and was very gepludert.
1839 populated eight hermits under the leadership of Fra 'Alfonso of Jesus e Maria (Mark Graf Vigo Acireale) the hermitage again and with the help of private individuals and religious orders (especially from the Poor Clares and Benedictines from Catania) restored the church and with relics and pictures adorned. Pope Gregory XVI in 1841
gave the confessions and communicated in the sanctuary on the holiday of Maria Mater Adonai (August 5), Immaculate Virgin Mary, the Virgin Mary had visited birth, Light Measurement and ascension, plenary indulgence and the altar call at the Image of the BVM recipient ever of the daily altar.
1847, but this altar of the 17th Century tore down to make the present location, the embellished the image of the Virgin with a frame made of colored marble. In the final installation of the cave under the floor of the ditch of the old hermit was recovered.
ran between 1866 and 1873 the monks Adonai by the laws of the new Italian state risk, the monastery and confiscated their money to have. At that time resulted in a court battle that ended with the victory of the monks.
At the end of the 19th Century. Adonai experienced the community a new strong period of crisis.
In the first years of the 20th Century. the number has gradually monk of five decreased to one. The decline of the famous monastery was also caused by the harsh crises that contributed to the two bloody world wars.
sanctuary and hermitage remained after the death of Fra'Antonino (7th Juni1950), the last hermit for a time neglected and fell prey to Lästererwandalen that everything, even Marmeltabernakel, the bell and a large painting of 1815 Ordination of Priests of S. Neofito and contemporary documents of the town have been stolen. The man claims entered to age the wall damage.
In the 70 years provided sanctuary and convent of a church community as a loan from Catania: this has led by Ildebrando P. Santangelo, laboriously highlighted and with the help of volunteers, the old monastery again.
was then entrusted to the whole complex of the Azione Cattolica from Syracuse, but that it was soon abandoned due Vandal acts.
Hermitage and the Church entrusted at present the parish of Brucoli and thanks to the volunteers they bloom again.
The old monastery is in touch with its 40 places, "Spartan" Boyscout, parish and church groups for spiritual days or weeks and seminars in self-government.
After the earthquake of 13 December 1990, in 2000, partial renovation work done, 2007, we started the final renovation. In summer, the S. Vigil Mass is celebrated, on 5 August each year, Feast of Madonna Adonai, will take place the traditional pilgrimage. From 2007, every other year, Madonna Adonai is honored with a religious festival.
The oasis of peace and the cult of Maria SS Mater Adonai bloom again.
Contact the Parish of St. Nicholas in Brucoli for any reception or visit the sanctuary,
Handyn 0931-981313. 3471979657.
Other information:
htp: / /
Saturday, November 6, 2010
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