sanctuary and hermitage Maria SS Mater ADONAI BRUCOLI (SR)
Past Notes
The sanctuary of St. Mary of Adonai is near Brucoli, not far from the sea and is reflected in Gulf of Catania, in the northern part of the Province and Diocese of Syracuse.
According to old traditions, and history, by different writers in the 16th and 17 Century were put back, is the sanctuary an early Christian Community center and is one of the first churches to the cult of Maria SS were dedicated as the Jewish title "Mater Adonai" (= mother of my men) testified. It is certainly the oldest Marian sanctuary in Sicily, and probably also in the Western Christian world.
A Christian presence is documented in this situation, starting at 253rd The Maria Mater
dedicated SS Adonai village hall was in the first half of the 3rd Century of the Christian Publio Trotilo from one of the many caves (grotte del Greco called) established a pre-existing Hypogeum. The caves were already in the 8th Century BC, Greek colonization of Sicily at the time, and were used by the Greeks changed to Necropolis. Here are some of Christian saved Leontinoi town, which was oppressed by Decius and Valerian bloody persecution.
The sanctuary consists of a cave, what are the 17th A Mason-century porch was built, which makes them look like a simple church.
is the end of the cave is the fresco of Our Lady of Adonai, Bishop of Lipari S. Agaton formed, which is saved here with the Christian from Lentini. In the fresco, the Madonna is seated on the rim and clouds with the Christ child in her arms, holding in his right hand and places the cross with his left his staff on the world. According to experts, the image has been repeatedly alters, but you can not date it with full security.
In this cave was Alessandro, Minister of the tyrant from Lentini, converted after the martyrdom of his holy brothers Alfio, Cirino and Filadelfio to faith.
Alessandro was named to the Christian name Neofito he was after the first Christian priest and bishop in Lentini. A very old inscription, found at a church in prove Lentini, Maria's devotion as a mother of the Lord (Adonai) before the Council of Ephesus. In the 4th
Century, the cave-town house because of its isolated position, left neglected. The Maria Mater Adonai dedicated community center millennium disappeared without a trace: Probably the cave was hidden at the time of Arab invasion and other symbols of the Christian faith to their destruction to avoid.
The grotto with the Virgin fresco was discovered in 1500-1600 again. It is said that a poor shepherd in a strange cave and discovered a wonderful way again. The little shepherd, after the liberation of his in a ditch - the roof windows of the grotto - fallen cow, was attracted by an intense and secret slip in the underlying depression: here he found the glowing image of the Madonna and Christ child.
The position was soon to pilgrim destination and has been here a little later cenoby (now known as Hermitage), built by English soldiers, who were charmed by the beauty of the picture and place. They left the military life and founded the lay-monastic community of Adonai, which existed until 1950, the year of the last monk.
The brothers followed their own rule, the result of the association between the Benedictine and the zisterzienschen was. The town was distinguished by their holiness of life and the cult of Saint Mary-transport-portrait.
Adonai Sanctuary is also one of the oldest church in southern Italy and particularly in South-eastern Sicily, which the terrible earthquake of 11 survived Januar 1693rd Notary documents prove the existence of Adonai Church starting at the beginning of 1600. In the first half of
. 18. Century built by Luigi De Leon from Faenza and some volunteers from the Hermitage with 18 new (current) cells, restored and extended the people's house through a porch and formed the present-day church.
The town had a heyday in the 18th and from 19 th century under the leadership of prominent figures such as Fra 'Luigi Deleon from Faenza, Fra' Luigi Bellieri from Pavia (founder of the known hermitage of San Corrado in Noto), Frat'Alfio Drago from Melilli and Frat'Alfonso Vigo Acireale. In the 18th
Century, the hermitage had their full glory and flourished again as a result of the Madonna of Adonai cult.
received in February 1740, the Adonai, the Pope brothers retreat, but in the first half of the 19th Century. came to town in decline, so that the monastery remained empty from 1809 until 1839. At the moment did the indifference and abandonment of the church to the ruins, the site was unguarded and was very gepludert.
1839 populated eight hermits under the leadership of Fra 'Alfonso of Jesus e Maria (Mark Graf Vigo Acireale) the hermitage again and with the help of private individuals and religious orders (especially from the Poor Clares and Benedictines from Catania) restored the church and with relics and pictures adorned. Pope Gregory XVI in 1841
gave the confessions and communicated in the sanctuary on the holiday of Maria Mater Adonai (August 5), Immaculate Virgin Mary, the Virgin Mary had visited birth, Light Measurement and ascension, plenary indulgence and the altar call at the Image of the BVM recipient ever of the daily altar.
1847, but this altar of the 17th Century tore down to make the present location, the embellished the image of the Virgin with a frame made of colored marble. In the final installation of the cave under the floor of the ditch of the old hermit was recovered.
ran between 1866 and 1873 the monks Adonai by the laws of the new Italian state risk, the monastery and confiscated their money to have. At that time resulted in a court battle that ended with the victory of the monks.
At the end of the 19th Century. Adonai experienced the community a new strong period of crisis.
In the first years of the 20th Century. the number has gradually monk of five decreased to one. The decline of the famous monastery was also caused by the harsh crises that contributed to the two bloody world wars.
sanctuary and hermitage remained after the death of Fra'Antonino (7th Juni1950), the last hermit for a time neglected and fell prey to Lästererwandalen that everything, even Marmeltabernakel, the bell and a large painting of 1815 Ordination of Priests of S. Neofito and contemporary documents of the town have been stolen. The man claims entered to age the wall damage.
In the 70 years provided sanctuary and convent of a church community as a loan from Catania: this has led by Ildebrando P. Santangelo, laboriously highlighted and with the help of volunteers, the old monastery again.
was then entrusted to the whole complex of the Azione Cattolica from Syracuse, but that it was soon abandoned due Vandal acts.
Hermitage and the Church entrusted at present the parish of Brucoli and thanks to the volunteers they bloom again.
The old monastery is in touch with its 40 places, "Spartan" Boyscout, parish and church groups for spiritual days or weeks and seminars in self-government.
After the earthquake of 13 December 1990, in 2000, partial renovation work done, 2007, we started the final renovation. In summer, the S. Vigil Mass is celebrated, on 5 August each year, Feast of Madonna Adonai, will take place the traditional pilgrimage. From 2007, every other year, Madonna Adonai is honored with a religious festival.
The oasis of peace and the cult of Maria SS Mater Adonai bloom again.
Contact the Parish of St. Nicholas in Brucoli for any reception or visit the sanctuary,
Handyn 0931-981313. 3471979657.
Other information:
htp: / / santuarioadonaibrucoli.blogspot.com
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