Saturday, January 29, 2011

Reklama Baner Swietlny

The problem of scale

section of pipe encrusted
Limestone is a generic name used to refer to deposits that form on the surfaces of our house, but it is only there that we fail to see. In reality, it is also formed on the heat exchangers of boilers, heat exchange coils on the kettle, the resistance of the water heater, washing machine, coffee machine. But his presence is not only anti-aesthetic, it is true, taps, tiles, glass shower losing shine and brilliance, but the action of the limestone silently decreases the efficiency of heat generators, increasing the consumption gas and electricity
but also the consumption of detergents, by neutralizing action of surfactants. How much we spend of anti-scale additives for washing machines, maintenance of household appliances and boilers every year? It is time to do the math and seriously consider installing an anti-limestone.

know football

Limestone is a crystal that is formed by depositing Carabone mainly calcium and magnesium. The concentration of these substances is measured in French degrees (° F, 1 F = 1 cg / l calcium carbonate). Initially, the carbonate solution is in the state of carbonate acid or hydrogen carbonate due to carbon dioxide dissolved in water acidity that keeps below a certain value. When water is heated above 65 ° C, the carbon dioxide is removed from the water and the pH increases to the point that the hydrogen carbonate is transformed into carbonate, insoluble precipitates thus forming the limestone layer.

How to fight

There are many systems designed to solve the problem of scale, but between all that stands out for its efficiency and ion exchange. The ion exchange resins exploits the ability to attract to itself the ions responsible for hardness, highly soluble in water treated by releasing substances such as sodium chloride, salt with which the resins are regenerated once reached saturation. The process is then able to produce water at 0 ° F.

Other ways to reduce the problem of scale are the filters or silifosfati polyphosphates, or magnetic disruptors.


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