Sunday, December 28, 2008

Cute Congratulations Baby Message

The event of 11 October 2008 in Rome

Watch the rest of the photos posted on Flickr

How Many Grams In A Bag Of Orville Redenbacher's


The City Council, in a year and a half Magorno administration has done little for the citizens and territory. And thanks to the fact that nobody within the Council stated that its policies which has always fought PRC, the only force that does not represent special interests but those of all citizens. It is no case against us for the last elections have coalesced the interests of "family" now as always represented in both the majority and opposition. With these forces manage to not go forward, but back in time.
Tuesday, December 23 would approve more new housing estates. They would like to continue the Diamond lot of disregard for decency and the indignation of honest citizens. And even if this time would stop for a hitch will try again to do it again. In their role play Mayor reveals once again be unable to make the defender Environment and land, as would appear in the press and has appeared in recent months,
2.mucilages minorities, who now travel together, they work only for a formal control of the work of the Committee, without an urban policy (how it could be different from the interests they represent?).
fact: In our
City Council sit two types of advisors: those of the majority, regardless of whether they were in the old consiliatura from either side, for example, have voted illegally because they could not do so, the transition from Area C to Area B in many areas, thus allowing the possibility of granting permission would not grant them. But even the oldest of the current two minorities, although I voted against many resolutions at the time, said the adviser Savarese that the decision was lawful because it does not affect indices of construction, in the mouth of an ordinary citizen it would be acceptable, but the mouth of a planner is a blasphemy.
But the other minority (admittedly timid) do not want to move the waters on this issue, fearing that this will lead to an outflow of money from the municipality to the "bad citizens" by the annulment of the licenses granted illegally. But until we live in a state of law, the responsibilities of officers and directors are personal, as are personal well as the responsibilities of engineers and owners benefit, which knew perfectly well what was happening.
not forget that this has always been the practice of our Directors: Paola at the public prosecution for crimes against the environment and territory committed by all governments in recent years have opened dozens of investigations that affect our common.

PRC is the only force in the field and defends the role of politics in this matter. This is our town has a future but not with the administrative control by establishing a policy for the territory. With lots of hills, the new Municipal Structural Plan will never see the light because in a territory as small as ours, and already well cemented, can not be identified more areas for affordable housing and popular, useful citizens of almost all the planned buildings that enrich a few, or worse, are only useful in cleaning up dirty money. To preserve land to be allocated to a new housing plan, the immediate need to decide to decide which regional planning for the law are also called, as well as political representatives, those of the citizens and environmental groups.
To revive the building is also necessary to plan the recovery and restructuring of the existing industry, where the work is enormous and insured for a long time.
It is recreated, in this period, a vacuum-like administrative junta Caselli, in which the municipality, negligent in land use decisions (not to upset the lobbies of the cement), is hidden behind the screen of the inevitability of assent to these new subdivisions failing since been taken to enforce any instrument where the reasons for the community and the vulnerable. But this is also obvious if you look at the people who sit in the pews of the Executive and compares them with those who preceded them. Everything seems to change .... remain the same. In both ways .... in judicial proceedings.
Here, as in the old administration are in fact represented a conflict of interest as big as ... the houses that our assessors are building.
Once again, we are the only ones to report that the choices on labor policies and those in the urban field are brought together against the interests of unemployed women, the temporary government, those without income, young couples looking for their first home .

Monday, September 29, 2008

Iomega External Drive Disable Light

Clean Air in Calabria! Against the logic of incineration, for an intelligent use of our resources

Sign for Clean Air in Calabria

Thursday, July 24, 2008

How To Write Congratulations On Be Preg

ODG PORT OF DIAMOND approved at the Congress of the Diamond Club and the Federal Congress in Cosenza


's companions and fellow members / the PRC at the club "April 25" Diamond - Cirencester, at VII Congress of the PRC, with the approval of this odg Local willing to sign the following comments regarding the commencement of the renovation project and completion of the pier shelter pleasure craft of the City of Diamante (CS), in order to assess the Core VIA.
rough estimate of the work should be performed after the approval of that project
port, it is of significant size and environmental impact, absolutely incompatible with the environmental features and landscapes that characterize the coast and along Diamond that hinder the development of a healthy economy and virtuous, compromising the image and the same civic and democratic life of the inhabitants of the town.
socio-economic assessment
The Communist Party of the PRC (hereinafter PRC) rejects, by a general point of view, the idea of \u200b\u200ba port in every country, so that the program ideas, always carried out by the PRC to locally, were, are and will be rejecting an irrational port facilities, quality and quantity of works that would adversely affect all the hydrodynamic equilibrium of the Calabrian coast, and in particular the Calabrian Tyrrhenian coast-one of the most prestigious and high value eco-tourism, the idea of \u200b\u200bdepleting the already scarce economic resources available of our regional budgets and direct them towards the financing of works invasive and useless, unable to interpret and enhance the role that our region must play in the Mediterranean and Europe.
Regarding the fallout in terms of employment, as required by the project, the public portion of the investment is large compared to the number of work units used for speed (about 25 units). Besides, a concession for the management of the port so great for a period of 70 years, compared to a small private investment, involves more than the depletion of land resources also that of government revenue.
The reality that exists at Diamond is unique and worthy of a specific account, as a small dock that already exists on an area degraded, interested in past and recent actions by extemporaneous, on interim solutions and efficient only for short periods. The pier is located below the boardwalk built in the 70s with funding from the Ministry of Public Works, in an area already thoroughly cementified but respectful, from the lookout, the inlet to the south of Punta Diamante and preservative, coast, cliff high value landscape. The fishing by the local stresses on precisely this area and benefits from habitat essentially intact, where citizens and tourists are particularly fond of Diamond.
relation to the impact the proposed work, we observe that:
  1. the structure required by the project would, on the area along the coast, a development that, in length (pier with a length of 390 pm) and in height, completely blocked the sea view from the ancient village of Diamond and the stretch of seafront
  2. the same docks and buildings in the plan, forming a continuum built along the entire development of the intervention, not can not have a serious adverse impact on the vision of the coastline from the sea, the impact is not mitigated by the "modest interventions" prescribed arrangement at a meeting at the Presidency of the Council of Ministers.
It is therefore considered that the project is entirely inconsistent with the constraint in the existing landscape, former MD of March 26, 1970, in clear contradiction with the reasons thereof.
urban in appearance, the proposed project is inconsistent with the approved Master Plan of Diamond in 1998, where he was expected to harbor smaller: about missing the necessary variation to the planning instrument! Regarding the works to the sea (about 420 new marina berths, with Related Services) provides a considerable increase of the load settlement area overlooking the old town of Diamante, which is a major extension project total of 50,000 square meters of which 29,800 of water surface, within which structures are found cement.
The project includes interventions in about 420 sea berths, which corresponds to a load certainly not indifferent to what is obviously considerable potential to add further settlement related to the intervention "Earth." The work employs a total of about 5 has not to have a grounded surface of sufficient quantity in proportion to the enclosed body of water. Indeed spaces on the ground around the port area are saturated and thoroughly urbanized, lacking the necessary parking areas as tourist facilities, the current access road is insufficient to sustain the viability of the port. Noteworthy is also the view of environmental noise and the adjacent village of the historic core.
The EIA Commission will, therefore, the construction of a structure which has proved to be incompatible, both for the havoc and destruction of nature formed by the rocks that characterize the place, and for the particular conditions of the settlement areas who have already exhausted the "carrying capacity" or do not, because of their peculiar nature and / or destination, location of the port complex as big as this one. As stated above has been confirmed with the tests and opinions expressed by the authorities concerned to safeguard the landscape and natural beauty (Superintendence of BAAAS of Calabria-Cosenza, Ministry of Heritage and Culture). In fact, after careful analysis of the features of the plan for the port of Diamond was not the slightest hesitation not to share the work port, expressing dissenting opinions in order to avoid environmental disasters and erosion of the coast, which once occurred should be to seriously compromise the environmental balance of the coast. The Superintendency of BAAAS-Cosenza in Calabria, in its opinion, indicating: "The project in question poses an even more drastic invasive that stretch of coast and negatively impacting both reviewed by the sea when seen from the town and the coast. " The opposition to the construction of the work has also expressed the Ministry of Heritage and Cultural Activities in the note prot. N.4364, where he stressed: "... you think your opinion is shared by the Superintendency of Cosenza in the works as planned, could, if implemented, lead to a strong impact in a very specific environment, as well as provide a phenomenon concern about coastal erosion. "
Analysis of design alternatives in part because it is clearly deficient. The need for realization of the work is clearly not cut on the needs of the area but the company proposing. It starts from the evidence that the current pier is unsafe to reject the construction of a port the size of the current one, as if the same had to be "made with the features of the previous one." Obviously, if realized as a breakwater to the existing breakwater "can not oppose any resistance to the usual wave characteristic."
It is clear also that a port the size of the current one, made with the existing criteria is not as precarious, it would be even stronger than a larger, with the same structure. The omission of this assessment by the company proposing to hide the guilty will not consider all options, including the zero option. This omission is covered by a consideration irrelevant to the analysis of alternatives, such as that of a response to expectations of a supposed need for marine tourism, yet to be demonstrated. SUBSTITUTE MOTION

The PRC, in interpreting the will of the majority of citizens, environmental groups have suggested that opposition to the project and of the tourists that our common home, is the mouthpiece of their legitimate aspirations in wanting to be always a haven for Diamond, which is the port of Diamante, which is suitable in structure and size requirements premises.
also reiterated the request made on several occasions and locations, the landing of the restructuring of existing public money only, and already the subject of funding amounting to nearly four billion old lire, and that the structure remains the property and public management.
It 'easy to see that the proposed project is not limited to a simple restructuring of the existing pier, but there is a brutal cement for the construction of a mega-NEW, size of the dock admittedly abundant than reported in the same pilot project. No coincidence that it shows that the rejection of the welfare agencies have been brought forth from the considerations of the serious erosion of that stretch of coast.
It is therefore considered that the only possible solution while respecting the environment is the renovation of the existing pier retaining the dimensional and satisfying the demands diportistiche real. In fact, it would be superfluous and sacrificer allow the construction of a eco-monsters when about eight miles from Diamond, exactly Belvedere Marittimo (CS), there is a reality already established port (Riva Scidro) structure designed to accommodate about 300 boats at full speed but it is home to about 150, and again, about 20 km, there is a port of Cetraro, also larger than the catchment area that takes advantage of port services. The above described Diamond insists, then, in an area where there is a wretched season marinas spread (even in the towns of Scalea and Paul bring forward proposals for mega-high impact) and not, as quoted in the study in question, in the absence of other projects.
The TAR of Catanzaro, in proceedings for annulment of the decree of final award of the work, in transposing the Community law on Environmental Impact Assessment and in upholding the appeal of WWF Italy endorsing the case law cited above, has actually pointed out the immensity of the structure and the significant environmental impacts that would result. In that regard, he emphasized: "The port is instead designed a structure of great complexity, which involves an area of \u200b\u200bland measuring about 36,000 square meters and can moor a very high number of vessels" and even "The imposing structure, however, fits into a context characterized by very delicate balance, if we consider the findings of studies on coastal erosion along the coast in question, submitted by the applicant and hydrogeological features of the Plan (IAP) of the Region of Calabria (Catanzaro sent.TAR No 1359 / 2004). Judgement upheld by the Council of State (State cons. N.3913/2005) who corroborated what was held by the Administrative Court of Catanzaro about the complexity of the work that should be to settle in a complex well-defined and characterized by very sensitive and rare natural beauty environment, confirming the annulment of the decree of final award. CONCLUSIONS

for the above reasons, underwriters are asking the core of this odg EIA on the project in question is the view of environmental compatibility NEGATIVE.
The PRC also expects and is committed in political authorities, so that we can redirect public investment involved in the work in question for the design and construction of a less invasive, funded with public money only, which still remain in the availability of the City of Diamond until the year 2008 and amounted to about 4 billion old lire, which site is run by the City of Diamond, was consistent with the requirements of maintenance of the socio-economic and environmental Tyrrhenian town. Diamond
July 1, 2008

Hillsborough Formal Wear Outlet

Odg Island Cirella approved in the Congress of the Federation and Diamond Circle in Cosenza


's companions and fellow members / the PRC at the club, "April 25" Diamond - Cirencester, at the VII Congress of the PRC, with the approval of this odg Local willing to sign the following proposals concerning the transit of boats near the island of Cirencester. DESCRIPTION OF THE

Island, Marine Park in the Riviera of the Cedar, is an area of \u200b\u200bconsiderable interest Calabrian landscape in a stretch of coast in which there are many rocks that represent the most beautiful natural places in Calabria, one of only two islands of Calabria with Dino Island of Praia a Mare. The rock formations, before the Miocene, which characterize it take a very fragmented, are located chaotically and subject to intense alteration, with intense erosion subject to collapse. Studies in the botanical field have further highlighted the valuable natural area. E 'was found in fact the presence of species of particular importance since it not common in Calabria and endangered species such as the "Juniperus phoenicea," the "Anthyllis jovis beard" and the rare "Pteris vittata," notes because what kind indicated by way of reduction and disappearance throughout the country.
The area in question is affected by the presence of two SCI areas, Sites of Community Importance under the Habitats Directive 431921 EEC, an island on the bottom Cirella - Diamante (lT9310037 Natura 2000 site code) and the other on Isle of Cirencester (Natura 2000 site code IT9310036). The SIC Island Cirella (Natura 2000 site code lT9310036) is a small island with a large development of reefs and sea cliffs and rare example, in Calabria, a coastal island in the Mediterranean well preserved. It also indicates the presence here dell'endemismo plant Dianthus rupicola. The seabed of the SIC-Cirella Diamond Island (Natura 2000 site code lT9310037) are characterized by the presence of Posidonia oceanica, high biodiversity, important nurseries for fish as well as economic interest, and protection of coastal erosion. The City of Diamond and involved in the Riviera of the Cedar Park, is subject to protection under the law 1497 of 26/06/1939 with 1611 DM 1 / 68.
Purpose of the proposal.
The proposal is made to pursue the following objectives:
a) the conservation of plant and animal species, biological communities, wildlife singularity;
b) the protection of biodiversity and the overall land;
c) the preservation and enhancement of landscape values \u200b\u200bof the area;
d) the use of tourism, cultural, educational and recreational forms compatible with the protection of nature and landscape. THE MOTION

The management of the water in front and surrounding the island is provided by a municipal entity in which the Management Committee are also representatives of all its sites to address the hotel and tourism, fisheries and agricultural associations insist on the territory to protect the natural environment of institutions involved in educational and scientific proposals for the exploitation of natural resources.
Area should be regulated:
a) scuba diving;
b) fishing;
c) the moorings;
d) the transit of motor boats. Perimeter of

It offers the same perimeter of the regional law for the establishment of regional marine park called the "Riviera of the Cedar" in respect of the Isle of Cirencester, shown below on a scale of 1:25,000. Diamond
July 1, 2008

Thursday, February 14, 2008

What Tissue Type Anchors And Packages Organs

New knowledge and new values \u200b\u200b

Written by Marcello Cini

I fear that we will stay long in opposition. It means staying in opposition take in daily life an opportunity to raise collective responses against the endless things we can not accept.
One of these things, which, as you all know, I was personally involved, was the initiative taken by the rector of La Sapienza, looking for media notoriety, to invite the Pope at the opening of the academic year, with the hunt witches that followed, unleashed against those who had criticized the fine details.
The crux of the matter was, as it should be clear to all, the contradiction inherent in having given to the highest religious authority in the West and the central role of the closing ceremony the most secular important part of a public University in a non-sectarian republic. The events will take, in fact, different meanings in different contexts. An invitation to the pope to visit the Wisdom disconnected from any other event would have purchased the value of a tribute to the authority of the visitor and would take place in an atmosphere of respectful listening to the words he spoke, so to speak, the Chair of Peter. But this chair can not be confused with a university, they have, of course, dignity and very different functions, which can not be confused with each other as he tried to do instead of Professor Ratzinger. However
ask to learn from this lesson: what is the hinterland of the reckless escalation of the Catholic Church against the autonomy of the state Republican as we witness every day? I try to make two brief remarks in this regard.
The first relates to the cultural crisis of modernity. I can not dwell but I assume the causes and manifestations. I merely stated that this crisis does not match the growth of a culture based on new values \u200b\u200bthat permit the company to avoid being overwhelmed by the total commodification of every aspect of individual and collective life, and to object to its tragic consequences.
The second point is closely related to the first, concerns the science. I have repeatedly stressed that with the transition from the twentieth Twenty-first century science is undergoing a radical change. Its main objective is in fact passed from the domain on inert matter to living matter and that the human mind. With this breakthrough science and technology are to be ever more closely intertwined and increasingly submissive to the laws of the market. The widespread practice of patenting of any living organism and every fragment of it is a clear testimony. An action against the bottom of this trend is therefore becoming increasingly necessary. Not only
. The turning point occurred in science at the turn of the century also implies necessarily that is breaking down the traditional separation between knowledge and ethics. One thing is fact, manipulate, control, forge an object made of inert matter and another thing is to make the same operations on a living organism, or even humans.
In this vacuum of values \u200b\u200bwe also find the approximation of certain areas of Western culture to the traditions and religious beliefs and institutions who own representation. But for me this seems short-sighted and self-defeating, in particular in our country, the heirs of the socialist and democratic culture is rushing to go along with this trend with acts of submission to a Catholic Church which, as said Eugenio Scalfari, is increasingly to commit to abandoning the sacred profane.
It 's a great battle ahead. Certainly not against religion - god forbid, you are saying with a joke - but against the expropriation, which is rejected, the sphere of the sacred inherent in the depth of feelings and emotions of every human being by an institution which claims monopoly of mediation between the human and the divine. It is in fact an appropriation that ignores and demeans the many different historical and geographical forms of this sphere so intimate and delicate, without respect for personal dignity, moral integrity of every individual believer, agnostic or atheist should be.
Finally I take this opportunity, and I have done, to mention another key area in which we must oppose, in response to the rampant commodification of all intangible assets, new knowledge and new values. It 's the field of new information and communication technologies. The fight that for some years has opposed the supporters of the practices that go under the name of open source (open source) and free software (free software) to the philosophy of Bill Gates has become a global conflict between opposing visions of the production process and sharing of knowledge. I hope someone more authoritative and knowledgeable than me Left-Net Association, to which I belong for a long time, so he better explain its aims and its activities.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Aol Buddy's Buttercream Frosting Recipe

photos of Cosenza

Photo of Katie Grosso Flickr

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Watch Love You Man Streaming

February 2, 2008 call to action no authority to

had passed a few days by the expression of a million people against the war in Iraq had concluded that the European Social Forum in Florence, one of the most important experiences of democratic participation in our country.

the night of November 15, 2002 twenty people who were among the organizers of this Forum were arrested by special forces of ROS and the GOM. For another five were reported arrest. Forty-three people ended up in the line of inquiry investigated. The raids by heavily armed men with their faces covered and terrorized many families in Cosenza, Naples and Taranto.

Thirteen people were indicted, accused of having wanted to "violently subvert the economic order established in the state" to have been among the leaders of the major events of the people at the OECD summit in Naples and the G8 in Genoa in 2001.

That process, which began Dec. 2, 2004 at the Court of Assizes of Cosenza, is in its final stages. The indictment of the prosecutor is scheduled for January 24 and will be issued shortly after the ruling.

Only a month ago, the Court of Genoa has imposed more than a century in prison twenty-four demonstrators. Have been inflicted up to 11 years in prison for crimes using code such as the prosecution of war "Devastation and looting".

On the contrary, no one has paid for the unprecedented violence carried out by police on protesters in Genoa, considered by Amnesty International, the most serious human rights violation in Europe since the war.

None of the officers responsible had to account for the errors and horrors committed on the contrary, have all been promoted. The processes for the butchery of Diaz and torture at Bolzaneto start the running of time limitation. The murder of Carlo Giuliani was filed without a trial. The Parliament rejected the request for the establishment of a Commission of Inquiry. On the contrary, the defendants Cosenza risk severe penalties.

Again there is a need to defend the dignity of our country and trampled on the democratic credentials - the sixtieth of the Constitution. Once again we must demand truth and justice on the events in Genoa, and defend the right to build "another possible world".

Our country is full of strife, industrial dispute, local and national resistance and proposals for human rights, social, civil, political, environmental, defense of the commons, against war and rearmament. The civic engagement and social mobilization should be considered a resource of this country.

Instead, these conflicts end up in the process and many people are in danger of being ruined their lives for their social commitment. We believe it is necessary to broaden the discussion, solidarity and unity in the face of the initiative signals a shift on security and crackdown on all forms of diversity and dissent. The defendants

of Cosenza is challenged to be active participants of the global justice movement and the struggles for change, an activity which is then considered subversive and conspiratorial.

This process refers to the end so all who believe in duty to work towards a more just society and a planet and they want for all and for all the right to act, to oppose, to practice and live alternative.

's time to go back to Cosenza from all over Italy, as We made 23 November 2002, protesting with the entire city.

's build a big new event in Cosenza Saturday, February 2 to release those who are on trial on charges unacceptable.


The collective and individual membership must be sent to:

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Wrinkle On Projection Screen

MAGORNO BY Communist Refoundation

On 27 December at 16:00, at the invitation extended to the secretaries of the parties involved in Diamond, the circle of the Communist PRC attended the meeting with the mayor Magorno Diamond with a large delegation. The port issue is a matter that is very dear to the implications of environmental, economic and social problems led to the same over the years and attended the meeting even though the form and substance of the initiative does not envisage as the best possible. The intent is to understand how the city council, mayor in the lead, want to move in the matter, given the often contradictory statements which the press reported on horseback in the days of hunger strike Magorno.

In recent days, the Tar addressed the merits of the appeal by Blue Diamond ICAD against the rejection of the megaport by the Regional Commission for Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). The ruling in favor of the company has essentially broken the opinion of the EIA Regional Commission, bringing the award the tender for the construction and operation of the port of Diamond, the stage of formulating a new opinion, hopefully this time still negative but well reasoned. In the meantime, lie on remand some complaints that the Blue Diamond ICAD would propose to overturn the rulings of the Administrative Court and the State Council on the need for environmental impact assessment for a work of undoubted importance, in the open interest Community from the viewpoint of environmental conservation in an ecosystem by the delicate balance of hydrodynamic costs involved.

political landscape
remember that our party has actively participated in local environmental side of acronyms, to achieve this result. To reject the idea of \u200b\u200binvasive megaport we have collected hundreds of signatures of informed citizens who have supported the reasons for rejection at the EIA Commission. At the same time, however, we proposed the only viable alternative: the creation of a port to measure directly in Diamond and willingness of citizens diamantes.

RC First request was to see if the Mayor, as representative of the municipal administration, had an idea of \u200b\u200bthe port, in terms of environmental and economic impact for the our town; Pilate, he stressed his intention to accept the future response of the various legal proceedings, refusing to provide a final assessment of the ICAD project of the company, but only pointing out the need to ensure the municipality, and private individuals who operate on the landing now exists, a role in future management structure. It is probably more concerned to satisfy electoral clientele of the future of our region and livability of our habitat.
We have stressed the poor economic viability of that project would entrust to the company awarded the contract not only construction but also its total management for a period of at least 70 years. Even the management of the water could be added, as the report of the project, the grant of any premises unused available to the municipality in the port area, with the establishment of a de facto monopoly of private economic activities that would be created to service the facility.
We have reiterated the need to look carefully to the facts of Amantea, environmental disasters and risks with quell'approdo lawlessness that has been achieved, rather than to a hypothetical development of flywheels intended only as our consumption of resources and inability to envisage a future for generations to come. Diamond has already compromised its natural beauty in the hills, is about to undermine even the preservation of its costs and this would only lead to further impoverishment, not to an enrichment of his countrymen. About
the job then there would be much to say, young and old people who expect to Diamante in Calabria and skilled jobs and fit their level of education, faced with an offer low-level jobs, subject to the benevolence of private businessmen and politicians, ready to put the rope on the first business difficulties. SUBSTITUTE MOTION

The PRC, in interpreting the will of the majority of citizens and tourists that our common home, is the mouthpiece of their legitimate aspirations in wanting to be always a haven for Diamond, which is the port of Diamante, which is adequate in structure and size to local needs. We stress also the request made in more opportunities and locations, the restructuring of the landing only existing public money, already the subject of financing and amounting to some 4 billion old lire, and that remains the same structure of ownership and governance.
It is therefore considered that the only possible solution while respecting the environment is the renovation of the existing pier retaining the dimensional and satisfying the demands diportistiche real.

To overcome the past and look to the future, we asked to support the will of the people supported by the collection of signatures of our party. We do our (community Diamantes) the alternative proposal of the Communist PRC to enforce the reasons for our convenience, environmental, economic and social to complete it!
We invited him to send the request to reset the region of the Regional Commission for the EIA, to an obvious inability to make conclusive judgments from any court, and create a new, detached from the caravans and in keeping with the principles of political science, for formulation of an environmental impact assessment that takes into account not only the technical proposals (which are certainly important) but also the social, economic and anthropological an imposing structure which one you would like to achieve.

Unfortunately the meeting was concluded with the clear will of the mayor gather support for its paternalistic pre-established positions, rather than part with these determinations that would lead the next day at the table with the region of Calabria.