's companions and fellow members / the PRC at the club "April 25" Diamond - Cirencester, at VII Congress of the PRC, with the approval of this odg Local willing to sign the following comments regarding the commencement of the renovation project and completion of the pier shelter pleasure craft of the City of Diamante (CS), in order to assess the Core VIA.
rough estimate of the work should be performed after the approval of that project
port, it is of significant size and environmental impact, absolutely incompatible with the environmental features and landscapes that characterize the coast and along Diamond that hinder the development of a healthy economy and virtuous, compromising the image and the same civic and democratic life of the inhabitants of the town.
socio-economic assessment
The Communist Party of the PRC (hereinafter PRC) rejects, by a general point of view, the idea of \u200b\u200ba port in every country, so that the program ideas, always carried out by the PRC to locally, were, are and will be rejecting an irrational port facilities, quality and quantity of works that would adversely affect all the hydrodynamic equilibrium of the Calabrian coast, and in particular the Calabrian Tyrrhenian coast-one of the most prestigious and high value eco-tourism, the idea of \u200b\u200bdepleting the already scarce economic resources available of our regional budgets and direct them towards the financing of works invasive and useless, unable to interpret and enhance the role that our region must play in the Mediterranean and Europe.
Regarding the fallout in terms of employment, as required by the project, the public portion of the investment is large compared to the number of work units used for speed (about 25 units). Besides, a concession for the management of the port so great for a period of 70 years, compared to a small private investment, involves more than the depletion of land resources also that of government revenue.
The reality that exists at Diamond is unique and worthy of a specific account, as a small dock that already exists on an area degraded, interested in past and recent actions by extemporaneous, on interim solutions and efficient only for short periods. The pier is located below the boardwalk built in the 70s with funding from the Ministry of Public Works, in an area already thoroughly cementified but respectful, from the lookout, the inlet to the south of Punta Diamante and preservative, coast, cliff high value landscape. The fishing by the local stresses on precisely this area and benefits from habitat essentially intact, where citizens and tourists are particularly fond of Diamond.
relation to the impact the proposed work, we observe that:
- the structure required by the project would, on the area along the coast, a development that, in length (pier with a length of 390 pm) and in height, completely blocked the sea view from the ancient village of Diamond and the stretch of seafront
- the same docks and buildings in the plan, forming a continuum built along the entire development of the intervention, not can not have a serious adverse impact on the vision of the coastline from the sea, the impact is not mitigated by the "modest interventions" prescribed arrangement at a meeting at the Presidency of the Council of Ministers.
It is therefore considered that the project is entirely inconsistent with the constraint in the existing landscape, former MD of March 26, 1970, in clear contradiction with the reasons thereof.
urban in appearance, the proposed project is inconsistent with the approved Master Plan of Diamond in 1998, where he was expected to harbor smaller: about missing the necessary variation to the planning instrument! Regarding the works to the sea (about 420 new marina berths, with Related Services) provides a considerable increase of the load settlement area overlooking the old town of Diamante, which is a major extension project total of 50,000 square meters of which 29,800 of water surface, within which structures are found cement.
The project includes interventions in about 420 sea berths, which corresponds to a load certainly not indifferent to what is obviously considerable potential to add further settlement related to the intervention "Earth." The work employs a total of about 5 has not to have a grounded surface of sufficient quantity in proportion to the enclosed body of water. Indeed spaces on the ground around the port area are saturated and thoroughly urbanized, lacking the necessary parking areas as tourist facilities, the current access road is insufficient to sustain the viability of the port. Noteworthy is also the view of environmental noise and the adjacent village of the historic core.
The EIA Commission will, therefore, the construction of a structure which has proved to be incompatible, both for the havoc and destruction of nature formed by the rocks that characterize the place, and for the particular conditions of the settlement areas who have already exhausted the "carrying capacity" or do not, because of their peculiar nature and / or destination, location of the port complex as big as this one. As stated above has been confirmed with the tests and opinions expressed by the authorities concerned to safeguard the landscape and natural beauty (Superintendence of BAAAS of Calabria-Cosenza, Ministry of Heritage and Culture). In fact, after careful analysis of the features of the plan for the port of Diamond was not the slightest hesitation not to share the work port, expressing dissenting opinions in order to avoid environmental disasters and erosion of the coast, which once occurred should be to seriously compromise the environmental balance of the coast. The Superintendency of BAAAS-Cosenza in Calabria, in its opinion, indicating: "The project in question poses an even more drastic invasive that stretch of coast and negatively impacting both reviewed by the sea when seen from the town and the coast. " The opposition to the construction of the work has also expressed the Ministry of Heritage and Cultural Activities in the note prot. N.4364, where he stressed: "... you think your opinion is shared by the Superintendency of Cosenza in the works as planned, could, if implemented, lead to a strong impact in a very specific environment, as well as provide a phenomenon concern about coastal erosion. "
Analysis of design alternatives in part because it is clearly deficient. The need for realization of the work is clearly not cut on the needs of the area but the company proposing. It starts from the evidence that the current pier is unsafe to reject the construction of a port the size of the current one, as if the same had to be "made with the features of the previous one." Obviously, if realized as a breakwater to the existing breakwater "can not oppose any resistance to the usual wave characteristic."
It is clear also that a port the size of the current one, made with the existing criteria is not as precarious, it would be even stronger than a larger, with the same structure. The omission of this assessment by the company proposing to hide the guilty will not consider all options, including the zero option. This omission is covered by a consideration irrelevant to the analysis of alternatives, such as that of a response to expectations of a supposed need for marine tourism, yet to be demonstrated. SUBSTITUTE MOTION
The PRC, in interpreting the will of the majority of citizens, environmental groups have suggested that opposition to the project and of the tourists that our common home, is the mouthpiece of their legitimate aspirations in wanting to be always a haven for Diamond, which is the port of Diamante, which is suitable in structure and size requirements premises.
also reiterated the request made on several occasions and locations, the landing of the restructuring of existing public money only, and already the subject of funding amounting to nearly four billion old lire, and that the structure remains the property and public management.
It 'easy to see that the proposed project is not limited to a simple restructuring of the existing pier, but there is a brutal cement for the construction of a mega-NEW, size of the dock admittedly abundant than reported in the same pilot project. No coincidence that it shows that the rejection of the welfare agencies have been brought forth from the considerations of the serious erosion of that stretch of coast.
It is therefore considered that the only possible solution while respecting the environment is the renovation of the existing pier retaining the dimensional and satisfying the demands diportistiche real. In fact, it would be superfluous and sacrificer allow the construction of a eco-monsters when about eight miles from Diamond, exactly Belvedere Marittimo (CS), there is a reality already established port (Riva Scidro) structure designed to accommodate about 300 boats at full speed but it is home to about 150, and again, about 20 km, there is a port of Cetraro, also larger than the catchment area that takes advantage of port services. The above described Diamond insists, then, in an area where there is a wretched season marinas spread (even in the towns of Scalea and Paul bring forward proposals for mega-high impact) and not, as quoted in the study in question, in the absence of other projects.
The TAR of Catanzaro, in proceedings for annulment of the decree of final award of the work, in transposing the Community law on Environmental Impact Assessment and in upholding the appeal of WWF Italy endorsing the case law cited above, has actually pointed out the immensity of the structure and the significant environmental impacts that would result. In that regard, he emphasized: "The port is instead designed a structure of great complexity, which involves an area of \u200b\u200bland measuring about 36,000 square meters and can moor a very high number of vessels" and even "The imposing structure, however, fits into a context characterized by very delicate balance, if we consider the findings of studies on coastal erosion along the coast in question, submitted by the applicant and hydrogeological features of the Plan (IAP) of the Region of Calabria (Catanzaro sent.TAR No 1359 / 2004). Judgement upheld by the Council of State (State cons. N.3913/2005) who corroborated what was held by the Administrative Court of Catanzaro about the complexity of the work that should be to settle in a complex well-defined and characterized by very sensitive and rare natural beauty environment, confirming the annulment of the decree of final award. CONCLUSIONS
for the above reasons, underwriters are asking the core of this odg EIA on the project in question is the view of environmental compatibility NEGATIVE.
The PRC also expects and is committed in political authorities, so that we can redirect public investment involved in the work in question for the design and construction of a less invasive, funded with public money only, which still remain in the availability of the City of Diamond until the year 2008 and amounted to about 4 billion old lire, which site is run by the City of Diamond, was consistent with the requirements of maintenance of the socio-economic and environmental Tyrrhenian town. Diamond
July 1, 2008